
RDH Podcast: Elder Abuse and What to Do

RDH Podcast: Elder Abuse and What to Do

Much of the mandatory education dental hygienists receive about child abuse can be applied to elder abuse, explains Kimbery Erdman. This harassment can be sexual, physical, emotional; however, there may also be an aspect of exploitation, often in the form of financial abuse and often by family members.

Of the 50 states, 38 have laws that specifically name dentists as people who must be reporters if they suspect elder abuse. Of those 38, 14 specifically name dental hygienists.

What symptoms should a dental hygienist look out for? Kimberly shares how she suspected one of her patients of financial exploitation. She also shares her experience trying to get help for her elderly aunt and how difficult it was to figure out how to report it.

All abuse reports vary by state, but one of the best sources can be found through the American Bar Association. The ABA can provide information from the Commission on Law and Aging. This will help educate dentists on the steps they can take.

You’ll learn about this and much more in Kimberly and Annie’s discussion.

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