
Divinity School students and faculty will come to the NABPR meeting – News

Divinity School students and faculty will come to the NABPR meeting – News

Five Campbell University Divinity School Master of Divinity students and four professors will participate in the upcoming meeting of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion (NABPR), scheduled for May 20-22 at First Baptist Church of Raleigh (Salisbury Street).

The organization’s annual meeting invites Baptists from across the country to present their latest research. Dr. Alicia Myers, associate professor of New Testament and Greek at the Divinity School, serves as NABPR’s 2023-2024 president. According to Myers, the opportunity for graduate students to speak at NABPR demonstrates the Divinity School’s commitment to academic training, pastoral practice and spiritual formation.

“The chance to present at NABPR gives our students who want to learn more about the scientific world the opportunity to connect with current scientists by sharing their own ideas, getting feedback and meeting different people from across the country,” she said.

“The featured students are outstanding students who have worked diligently to create thought-provoking and well-documented presentations. This will not only be a chance for them to showcase their knowledge and gain experience, but it will also give faculty from various institutions an insight into CUDS and some of the work we do here.”

Divinity School students and recent graduates Adrenne Aiken Morgan (pictured) and Kari White (above) will speak this month at the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion in Raleigh.

Myers then explained that the meeting traditionally includes work by graduate students, but the invitation to graduate students is new to this year’s conference.

“All students have done excellent work in their classes this semester or in previous semesters, demonstrating that they are capable of completing work at this level. NABPR is always looking for ways to encourage students to participate and learn more about what it means to be a scholar.”

Student presenters and their topics include:

  • Greg Ellington: “All Are the Manhood of Christ: Julian of Norwich’s Reinterpretation of Romans 5:12-21”
  • TaylorLong: “Theological Pathways to Wholeness: Exploring Gender, Sexuality, and Embodiment.”
  • Matthew Miller (MDiv ’24): “Devouring Gods: Theophagy and Contextualization of John 6”
  • Adrenne Aiken Morgan (MDiv ’24): “The Role of Bridging Stories in Amplifying Women’s Voices in Scripture”
  • Kari White: “Rachel’s voice in Matthew 2:13-23: To bear witness to sorrow, to fight for hope.

Faculty participation includes:

  • Dr. Tony Cartledge will present a paper titled “Wicked Days and Righteous Women.”
  • Doctor Sarah Boberg will deliver a report entitledBless Their Hearts: A History of Southern Baptist Ministry and Marginalization.”
  • Doctor Alice Myers will lead two sessions, including a book review panel by Mikeal Parsons and João Chaves Antek’s memoryaboutnia Teixeria: a story of mission, violence and institutional hypocrisy (Eerdmans, 2023).
  • Dr. Barry Jones will chair the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Articles session.
  • Dr. Cameron Jorgenson he will chair a session on theology and ethics.

About NABPR: The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion is a fellowship of teaching scholars. Most members teach in Baptist-affiliated schools, colleges and seminaries, but members also come from many institutions in the United States, Canada and abroad. The organization was founded in 1981. The guild is national in nature, with active regions in the Southeast, Southwest, and Midwest, and growing membership in the West and Northeast.