
My life in the happiest country in the world

My life in the happiest country in the world

When I first visited Finland in 2017, I was captivated by the marshmallow trees, picturesque landscapes and lakes, and the midnight sun – but it wasn’t just the country’s natural beauty that impressed me.

Public spaces and homes have been equipped with a variety of recycling options. I did not witness any homelessness during my trip. Children as young as six were safely using public transportation on their own, and many seniors could easily get to the grocery store using walkers.

Finnish society seemed to be built on a foundation of both independence and care, and that stuck with me. My now husband is from Finland and in 2019, when he had the opportunity to continue his professional basketball career back home, I jumped at the opportunity to join him there.

Today he still plays basketball and I am an entrepreneur.

“Here I am relaxing on Lake Vesijärvi and soaking up the long-awaited Finnish summer sun.”

Photo: Jade Ventoniemi

At the beginning of 2024, after several years of working as a content marketing specialist, I launched my own marketing company. My clients are Nordic companies from the tourism and retail industries. At my corporate job, my income was approximately $4,348 per month. Now that I’m self-employed, I made about $21,739 in the first quarter of the year.

I feel fulfilled living in Finland. Here are the three biggest reasons why I love living here.

Life is organized around being in nature

Being in nature is a daily or weekly way of life here, and many Finnish cities are located close to well-marked outdoor spaces. For example, it is very common to cross and use forest paths if you are running errands by bike or on foot. One of my favorite places is the beautiful Tapanila forest, which is about 100 meters behind our house.

Then, if you walk 100 meters in front of our house, you will reach the beautiful Vesijärvi lake. In the summer we sail on it by boat and in the winter we go ice skating. My favorite cafe in the area is on another lake, Kahvila Kariranta, which I most often cycle to.

Finns don’t let bad weather affect their enjoyment of nature. Even in the deepest and darkest part of winter, I enjoy hiking, biking, and skiing. I even went swimming in a hole in the frozen lake. It was incredibly refreshing.

“Take a moment to enjoy the greenery on Kelvenne Island. Kelvenne is part of the Päijänne National Park and one of Finland’s largest esker islands.”

Photo: Jade Ventoniemi

In the US, I would mostly avoid being outdoors. I lived in Florida and it was very hot and humid all the time, so I counted down the moments until I would be in an air-conditioned car or store. In the United States, I wouldn’t go into the forest alone either. The prospect of this seems more dangerous than peaceful.

These daily doses of nature have improved my mental health. When I’m in the woods, my mind slows down and I breathe deeper. It really seems like a form of therapy.

People here tend to stay active well into old age

I have found that it is easy to maintain healthy habits here because there is a culture of lifelong fitness. For example, when I went cross-country skiing for the first time, I remember a three-year-old walking by with his mother, followed by a man who looked to be in his 70s.

Even though I was unsteady on my feet, I still felt welcomed and encouraged during this experience. This happens every time I try any new activity since I moved here.

“I’m on Christmas skiing holiday in Lapland. I was introduced to cross-country skiing five years ago when I moved to Finland, and now it’s one of my favorite hobbies.”

Photo: Jade Ventoniemi

Since Finns seem to only mind their own business, they don’t really look at you with any judgment if you’re struggling to learn something new. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. A true sense of possibility comes from seeing people try something outside of their comfort zone, without fear.

Many cities also have organizations that organize sports clubs and lessons for people of all ages. I have completed CrossFit, functional training in the forest, and I also teach weekly spinning classes. I have met some great friends through these activities.

Finns place emphasis on social good

I was struck by how much everyone here cares about each other. It seems like everything is designed to make life easier and help people thrive.

New parents have generous leave packages from work. Taking time off is required by law and the company has a high culture of pay transparency. Every year, the Finnish government shares everyone’s taxable income and anyone can check it.

Higher education is free for citizens or people with special residence permits. Public transport is functional and comfortable, and parents with strollers can even use buses or trains for free. Recycling is easy to understand and accessible. Public health care is inexpensive and often free.

All this infrastructure makes me feel safe.

“My in-laws and I went on a trip to Oulunka National Park in Kuusamo, Finland. It was my first time hiking or river rafting, so it was a great adventure for me. This trip was full of nerves and excitement.”

Photo: Jade Ventoniemi

Being from the southern United States, one of the biggest things that surprised me when I came here was how quiet the malls and public places were. I was also struck by the lack of socializing, smiling and small talk in public places or with strangers. While it may seem cold at first glance, I’ve found that when you get to know Finns, they are warm and genuine.

Finland is the first place I lived after college and the first place my husband and I lived together. I think that being surrounded over the last five years by a society that values ​​slow living, nature, self-sufficiency and activity has shaped me in a significant way. Since moving here, I am very proud of the person I have become.

Jade Ventoniemi is an American who has been calling Finland his home for five years. She is a former NCAA basketball player, content creator and founder of the marketing company Bright Soul Oy. Jade lives in Lahti, Finland with her husband and mini poodle. In his free time, he loves spending time outdoors and takes the opportunity to swim in a frozen lake or explore the local forest. You can follow her journey and life in Finland on Instagram Or ICT Tok.

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Data in US dollars converted from euro on May 17, 2024.