
Watch the moment a Yorkshire drink driver finds himself unable to speak and driving over five times the limit after a serious crash

Watch the moment a Yorkshire drink driver finds himself unable to speak and driving over five times the limit after a serious crash

Police have cited the example of a drunk Yorkshire man who caused a car crash – seriously injuring three people – by releasing a video of his humiliating arrest.

Embarrassing footage of 46-year-old John Duckworth shows him drunk at the wheel after a horrific three-car crash on Bawtry Road in Rotherham on Saturday, September 6. During the officers’ intervention at 1:40 p.m., he was unable to form a sentence.

When a South Yorkshire police officer asks him to blow into a breathalyzer, the drunk appears to suck on the device. The horrified officer then remarks, “You need to start blowing. You’re not drinking! You blow through it. Take a deep breath. Listen to me very carefully, take a deep breath, fill your lungs and exhale.” “

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After taking a deep breath, it turned out that the 46-year-old had exceeded the alcohol limit five times.

Sheffield Crown Court heard how Duckworth, of Harmony Way, Rotherham, failed to stop at the junction of Bawtry Road and Pavillion Lane and how his actions led to a three-car collision in which three people, including an elderly woman, suffered serious injuries.

Drunk driver John Duckworth behind the wheel in Rotherham – Source: SYP

The victims recovered physically, but the psychological trauma experienced by all the residents would remain with them for life. Officers at the scene spoke with Duckworth, who was uninjured after the collision, and witnessed him slurring his words, unable to speak clearly and slumped over the steering wheel. He was breathalysed and blew a sample of 180, with the legal alcohol limit being 35.

Duckworth pleaded guilty and on Wednesday, April 10, was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison and banned from driving for 10 years.

Road policing officer PC James Ball said: “This incident highlights the dangers posed to people who get behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. People were seriously injured as a result of Duckworth’s selfish actions, which could have had fatal consequences.

John Duckworth was convicted for his actions – Source: SYP

“We are now in the second week of the Fatal 4 campaign, raising awareness of the risks associated with the factors that contribute most to deaths and serious injuries on our roads; speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, using a cell phone and not wearing a seat belt.

“I hope Duckworth’s consequences for his actions will serve as a deterrent to other drivers. It’s not worth the risk. You can kill someone, lose your job, family and friends.

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