
Public Health uses grant funds to reduce violence against children and preventive education

Public Health uses grant funds to reduce violence against children and preventive education

Greene County Public Health recently introduced copies of a children’s book, ABC of body safety and consent by Jayneen Sanders for Greene and Paton-Churdan County fourth graders. (Pictured with some of the books are Paton-Churdan Principal Annie Smith and HOPES Social Worker Sara Miller.) This gift was made possible by dollars from Communities 4 Children Decategorization and Community Partnerships for Protecting Children Neighborhood/Community Network (DCAT/CPPC) mini-grant program.

“These age-appropriate books help children better understand unhealthy touching and appropriate boundaries between caregivers and children,” explained Public Health Director Becky Wolf. “Safety concepts and steps are presented in a format that is easy for children to understand and remember, with the support of school counselors who create the curriculum and accompanying discussions. This helps us all work towards our goal of helping children, having conversations at home that strengthen parent-child relationships and helping to prevent this form of child abuse.”

The overall message of these combined efforts is to make children aware that they are responsible for their bodies and to understand the difference between secrets and surprises. They will be able to identify safe people to talk to and build confidence in their own safety skills.

In addition to fourth-grade classes, books are delivered to local libraries, day care centers, regional medical clinics, law enforcement centers, and through the HOPES (Healthy Opportunities for Parents to Experience Success) home visiting and immunization programs.

“With this approach, Greene County Public Health and DCAT/CPPC work with families on what is common in the home,” Wolf said. “Grants encourage open communication and help identify safe people in a child’s life that deserves NO! reaction and what is considered safe.”

To directly report child or dependent adult abuse, call the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services at 800-362-2178. If you suspect that a child under 18 is the victim of abuse or neglect, call the Child Abuse Hotline at 800-362-2178 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Be prepared to provide identifying information and your child’s whereabouts. Reports can be made anonymously unless you are a mandatory reporter. If you believe your child is in immediate danger, call 911 immediately.