
Daniels Says: ‘Bond Trump or Use Him as a Punching Bag’

Daniels Says: ‘Bond Trump or Use Him as a Punching Bag’

Stormy Daniels, an adult film actor who testified against former US President Donald Trump, said in an interview published in the British tabloid The Mirror that he should be sent to prison.

“I believe he should be sentenced to prison and some community service for the less fortunate or as a volunteer punching bag at a women’s shelter,” Daniels said.

She broke her silence after testifying against Trump in his New York trial, in which he was found guilty of 34 counts of fraud for trying to cover up secret payments to her on the eve of the 2016 presidential election.

Daniels was paid $130,000 (HK$1.01 million) to remain silent and prevent a scandal from breaking out before the election, in which Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton.

She helped take down Trump by giving testimony that included graphic descriptions of a sexual encounter in 2006.

Daniels, 45, said she was glad it was proven she “was telling the truth all along,” but added that “it’s not over for me. This will never end. Trump may be guilty, but I still have the legacy to live with.”

For several days after the unprecedented verdict was issued, the 45-year-old remained silent.

Her husband, Barrett Blade, suggested that Trump supporters might threaten her. “You know, all the MAGA idiots will come after her,” he said, referring to his Make America Great Again movement.

Daniels said she felt “shocked” but was vindicated and will never escape death threats from Trump supporters, The Mirror reported.

She also accused Trump of being “completely detached from reality” and at one point compared him to a child.