
POB students excel in the national French language exam

POB students excel in the national French language exam

Sophia Khani, Charlotte Leblond and Shiv Patel received silver medals.

Brandon Fitzgerald (left) received the bronze medal.

Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School students achieved extraordinary success on the 2024 National French Language Test. This year, five talented French students achieved high scores and national recognition for their outstanding achievements.

  • Eighth-graders Lily Jeong, Charlotte Leblond and Shiv Patel won silver medals.
  • Bronze medals were awarded to seventh-grader Brandon Fitzgerald and eighth-grader Sophia Khani.

The National French Competition, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French, is an annual competition in which students from across the United States take a written test to compete for prizes. This year, 11,407 students took the eighth-grade exam, and 3,008 students took the seventh-grade exam.

“We congratulate our students on their outstanding achievements on the national French examination,” said French teacher Stephanie Roehrig. “Their hard work and commitment to mastering the French language is truly commendable. This success is a testament to their commitment and the high-quality French education offered at Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School.”