
British Airways employees suspended for mocking 210-kilogram colleague on WhatsApp

British Airways has suspended two crew members for making cruel comments about a colleague’s weight behind her back.

“It was appalling abuse,” an inside source told The Sun about the incident.

The perpetrators reportedly mocked the unidentified, 210-pound flight attendant in a WhatsApp group she was not a member of.

According to The Sun, these malicious comments were brought to the attention of the twenty-something victim by a concerned co-worker who, after reading them, said that the devastated woman was afraid to return to work.

“We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and always thoroughly investigate any allegations brought to our attention,” the airline said in a statement. PA Images via Getty Images

“The poor victim of the ruthless, fat jokes has been left completely alone,” the source said. “She had no idea that her colleagues held her in such contempt.”

They continued: “She was afraid to leave the house after these cruel comments. She felt like a victim.”

The woman’s friend then brought the taunts to the attention of BA management, who suspended the colleagues responsible and launched an investigation into the incident.

“We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and always thoroughly investigate any allegations brought to our attention,” the airline said in a statement.

If found guilty, the crew members in question could be placed on permanent leave, while five other members of the WhatsApp group are also under investigation.

BA guidelines state that crew members must be able to stand at least 6 feet 7 inches tall to perform their duties, which include opening aircraft doors and reaching overhead bins.

“To meet range requirements, you likely need to be at least 5 feet, 5 inches tall,” the company’s website says. “We will measure your reach diagonally as this is used to manually release the escape slide in an emergency.”

However, there is no suggestion of a maximum weight limit for workers, provided they are able to perform all necessary tasks.