
Albania has a 30-minute power outage, energy expert: The prosecutor’s office opens an investigation, damage amounts to EUR 1 billion

Albania has a 30-minute power outage, energy expert: The prosecutor’s office opens an investigation, damage amounts to EUR 1 billion

Energy expert Eduard Elezi said the prosecutor’s office should launch an investigation into what happened in the transmission network of the power system in southeastern Europe on June 21 at noon. Power was turned off in Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and for 30 minutes. partly in Croatia.

According to him, the financial bill amounts to EUR 1 billion.

“The cause of the load is the transmission lines. The investigation should be carried out by the competent authorities of each country. The investigation should be started by the General Prosecutor’s Office. It is said that there are billions of euros in transactions across the region.

By law, all broadcasters are required to maintain a reserve of bandwidth, which is called the transmission security of each country. They did not maintain reserves of production capacity. The lines were overloaded. Our country has domestic production. Domestic production must cover consumption

17 minutes is too much trouble. Even returning with a 17-minute delay is extremely long. We are talking about an automated system. All of Albania had to have lights on for a maximum of 10 minutes. Bill, economic damage will be suffered by all transmissions, and transmissions should certainly be viewed as they did. It is necessary to investigate Albanian broadcasting and generation and see why Albania was not protected.

Our temperature exceeded 37 degrees. Heat does not affect the wire, but wear increases.

Check where the load was. You can’t provide a 400 megawatt line, pass a 1200MHz load. The problem is the financial bill, which amounts to EUR 1 billion. We have it again because the whole region is there. All commercial energy companies will require offsets. The Albanian prosecutor’s office must investigate the conduct of KESH and the broadcaster.” Elezi told Report TV.