
Pride in Liverpool joins forces with the British Firefighter Challenge for 2024

This year’s Pride in Liverpool festival will run alongside the British Firefighter Challenge, an annual competition for firefighters from across the country.

The British Firefighter Challenge, which will be held in Liverpool for the first time ever and hosted by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, will take place on Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July – the same weekend as the LCR Pride Foundation, the local LGBT+ charity, bring Pride in Liverpool to the city streets once again.

Today, LCR Pride Foundation and the British Firefighter Challenge were joined by partners from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Culture Liverpool at Liverpool’s iconic Pier Head, which will be a central transport hub for tens of thousands of spectators over the weekend.

The already announced annual March With Pride will also take place on Saturday, July 27. Registration is open to anyone wishing to take part in the march, which will start on the St George’s Hall Plateau and pass through the city centre.

More details about the so-called ‘Proudest in Liverpool’ program will be published in the coming weeks.

Photos: LCR Pride Foundation. (From left to right: MFRS Crew Manager Matty Crozier, MRFS Firefighter Josh Power, MFRS Group Manager Craig Whitfield, Drag Queen Filla Crack, LCR Pride Foundation CEO Andi Herring, MFRS Station Manager Michael Cotgrave, MRFS Firefighter Aimee Beach, MRFS Firefighter Harley O Brien)

Andi Herring, CEO of the LCR Pride Foundation, said:

“We are thrilled to be working with the British Firefighter Challenge team to deliver a weekend packed with events that people will be talking about for years to come. With the support of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Liverpool City Council, we can guarantee an exceptional experience for residents, visitors and businesses alike.

Chris Trendowicz from British Firefighter Challenge said:

“It’s an honor to bring our event to a world-renowned city. Working with the LCR Pride Foundation gives us a really great opportunity to raise awareness of both the British Firefighter Challenge and the need to celebrate and increase diversity in the nation’s fire services.

Regional Manager Mark Thomas of Merseyside Fire Brigade said:

“We are very proud to be hosting this event on behalf of the British Firefighter Challenge team alongside our friends at the LCR Pride Foundation. We have a rich history of firefighting and sport in Liverpool and with the vitality and unrivaled cultural heritage of this great city, there is no better place to host the Challenge.

More information about Pride in Liverpool can be found here.

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