
Are you even a serious conversationalist? Far-right congresswoman meets Sarah Ferguson

Are you even a serious conversationalist?  Far-right congresswoman meets Sarah Ferguson

When far-right congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene agreed to an interview with Sarah Ferguson on ABC’s 7:30 show, she likely had no idea what she was signing up to or how seriously her interviewer would take the interview.

Ferguson then delivered a masterclass in staying calm during an attack, including resorting to condescending lines about whether you are a “serious interviewer” and even commenting on what “The Australian” should ask.

Despite the attacks, both personal and absurd, Ferguson maintained her momentum, repeated her questions and pressed for answers. Viewers might have expected a comment from Ferguson after Taylor Greene left the interview, or potentially even a look of surprise at what had just happened, but 730 the hosts were just busy moving on to the next story.

Taylor Greene is a well-known conspiracy theorist who shares white supremacists and once called for the execution of prominent Democrats. Two weeks ago, she compared Trump to Jesus at a rally in Las Vegas and also supported his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 US presidential election.

She may seem an odd choice for ABC, and some would also question giving her a platform, but her rise and popularity in American politics should not be ignored.

Taylor Greene was invited on air to speak about Julian Assange after strongly advocating for his release, which is part of the cross-party and ideological support that the decision to release Assange has received.

Still, an interviewer like Ferguson was never going to stick with Assange and simpler things.

Ferguson asked whether Taylor Greene had met with the delegation of Australian politicians who traveled to Washington earlier this year to lobby for Assange – to which Taylor Greene replied that she had, and stated that she had already meeting, she formed the opinion that the prosecution of Assange should end.

Tayor Greene added that she “supports journalists around the world and here in the United States who actually tell the truth.” She also suggested that if Trump is elected president, he would likely pardon Assange.

Ferguson proceeded to ask about Taylor Greene’s support of Trump, and whether she had reservations about such support now that he is a convicted felon.

Taylor Greene described the New York court as an embarrassment and stated that the trial was a “sham”.

Ferguson asked why she never accepted the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“Sarah, Sarah. Are we talking about Julian Assange?” Taylor Green asked.

“It’s a matter of the rule of law,” Ferguson replied.

“Are you even a serious interviewer? I thought we were talking about Julian Assange here today,” Taylor-Greene shot back.

“Yes,” Ferguson said.

“That’s what you asked me to do, to be on your Australian news show. I don’t usually do interviews like that because people like you can’t be taken seriously,” Taylor-Greene replied.

The interview continued, with accusations from Taylor Greene that the Australian journalist was “receiving her marching orders from the Democratic Party.” Below is an excerpt from the transcript, unedited:

SARAH FERGUSON: Let me tell you this, since you used the term “truth” as a reason why you were so supportive of Julian Assange, I want to move on to one of the most dominant truth issues in the American landscape. So as I just said…

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: Oh, OK. Coming from an Australian, this is the dominant issue, isn’t it. Okay, let’s hear it, Sarah.

SARAH FERGUSON: So you insulted people in prison for their role in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, including visiting them in prison. Here’s my question – what will Donald Trump’s MAGA supporters do if he loses the election?

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: So what does this have to do with Julian Assange, Sarah? I think that was the purpose of our interview.

SARAH FERGUSON: Indeed, the goal…

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: Let me tell you something you don’t quite understand. In 2020, America watched day after day as BLM riots cost more than $2 billion in our communities and cities across the country.

Sarah, Australians know they probably don’t like your show very much, but they understand the truth that in America today we have a two-tier justice system and the Department of Justice targets its political enemies and President Trump is on top of it and the targets are also people who protested against the January 6 elections.

You probably won’t tell your viewers that many of these people who are being arrested and jailed simply entered the Capitol building through an unlocked door, recorded video and took photos of the inside of the Capitol, and then walked out the door.

And I’m sure these are not the images you show on your network in Australia. But it’s a shame because that’s what the media did, distorting and lying.

In the last thirty seconds, Marjorie Taylor Green turned to the counselor and asked, “what station is this? What is ABC in Australia? Is he getting his orders from the Democratic Party?”

Ferguson noted that as a prominent figure in the US and with the first US presidential debate taking place this week, the entire world is thinking about the election and it is a “natural point of interest” to ask questions about it.

Ferguson then concluded by commenting, “I understand we’ve reached the end of the questions you want to answer,” remaining calm and composed throughout the interview.