
‘Diplomat Dan’ jailed for assaulting wife and throwing acid at arresting Tasmania Police officers

The President of the Supreme Court said that Daniel Victor Gandini has “very strange views” about the world and his place in it.

In the High Court in Burna on Thursday, Chief Justice Alan Blow sentenced Gandini, who had previously told the court he “strongly prefers” to be called “Diplomat Dan”, to a “substantial” prison term for offenses committed at his Port Sorell home.

After Gandini represented himself during a three-week trial, a jury on Monday found him guilty of twice assaulting his ex-wife and then throwing corrosive acid at four task force police officers who came to arrest him.

Daniel Victor Gandini, “Diplomat Dan,” represented himself throughout the three-week trial.(ABC News: Meg Powell)

After locking up the house with her children on the morning of July 8, 2021, the complainant called the police, which led to an 11-hour delay as Gandini refused to leave the house.

Passing sentence, the judge said he had called Gandini, 44, “Dan” throughout the trial to “minimize tensions” and would continue to do so during sentencing.

Sent , updated