
Funny Face accuses Vanessa’s ex of giving her children marijuana and plans to sue her and the family

He recounted an incident where, during Vanessa’s live social media session, he saw one of his daughters under the influence of alcohol and allegedly showing signs of being under the influence of marijuana.

“I plan on suing Vanessa and her entire family because they started giving marijuana to our daughters, Ella and Bella. I recently saw Vanessa on live video and noticed one of my daughters staggering and falling backwards, indicating she was intoxicated,” Funny Face stated.

“Vanessa’s father told me to check if I had called him a marijuana grower. But it doesn’t change the fact that he smokes too.” Added Funny Face.

The controversy comes amid Funny Face’s ongoing dispute with Vanessa over child custody issues, including his desire to conduct a DNA test for their children.

Since his split from Vanessa in 2021, Funny Face has faced public criticism and legal issues, including periods of solitary confinement and mental health treatment.

He recently got into a custody dispute with Vanessa and faced legal consequences for dangerous driving that put many lives at risk.