
Paris Hilton tells Congress how she was “sexually abused and force-fed drugs” during a custody hearing.

Paris Hilton testified before Congress that she was sexually harassed and forced to take medication while at a juvenile treatment center.

Hilton, a longtime advocate for child welfare and regulation of child care facilities, appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday. The hearing focused on strengthening the child welfare system and included testimony from several expert witnesses, including Hilton.

The heiress talked about the time she spent as a child in youth care facilities, often collectively referred to as the “difficult youth industry.” The 43-year-old told the commission how, at the age of 16, she was taken from her bed at home and taken to the first of four centers where she was to stay.

Hilton previously revealed that her parents sent her to these centers when she started going to clubs and partying at the age of 15.

“These programs promised healing, growth and support, but instead for two years they kept me from speaking, moving freely or even looking out the window,” Hilton told the panel.

“Staff force-fed me drugs and sexually abused me. I was brutally tied up, dragged through corridors, stripped naked and thrown into solitary confinement.”

Paris Hilton, testifying before Congress on Wednesday, calls on federal lawmakers to improve protections for children in institutional care (Getty Images)

She said Hilton would cope with the abuse she experienced in those facilities by pretending to be someone else Independent last year.

“I suffered so much that I created a Barbie doll’s life for myself,” Hilton said. “It was a character I put on as a mask to protect myself.”

On Wednesday, Hilton said she supports the commission’s bipartisan effort to reauthorize the Child Welfare Improvement Act – Title IV-B of the Social Security Act – which expired in 2021.

The heiress also called on lawmakers to pass the Stop Institutional Abuse of Children Act, which would establish a federal working group on residential youth programs. That working group would then make recommendations on improving the safety and treatment of children placed in residential programs.

Hilton told the committee that youth housing programs are often more concerned with profit than the safety of children.

“This means they try to spend as little money as possible and employ workers who are not vetted and who should not be around children,” Hilton testified.

Paris Hilton attends a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Wednesday. The heiress previously testified before Congress in 2021, advocating for a “Bill of Rights” for children in residential facilities (Getty Images)

Hilton had previously identified Provo Canyon School in Utah, a youth residential facility, as one of the places where she encountered violence. The school has faced multiple lawsuits, threats to lose its license, and reports of harassment from several students,Salt Lake Grandstand reported.

The school said it could not comment on Hilton’s allegations when they came to light because leadership had since changed.

“We can say that the school provides a structured environment for learning life skills, providing behavioral therapy and continuing education to youth who come to us with pre-existing and complex emotional, behavioral and psychiatric needs,” the school said in a 2021 statement.

Hilton encouraged lawmakers to introduce legislation requiring that children in these programs be able to talk alone with their parents or a trusted adult.

“All of my outside interactions were completely controlled and there was always an employee sitting next to me,” Hilton said of her time on the programs.

“So if I said one negative thing about the facility, they would immediately hang up on me and I would be punished, physically beaten, or thrown into solitary confinement.”

Lawmakers praised Hilton’s testimony throughout the hearing.

“Ms. Hilton, I want to thank you for your compelling and courageous testimony today and for the work you have done to not only highlight the issues you faced, but also the issues that many others face every day people. -base,” said Rep. Mike Thompson.

“Ms. Hilton, I first read about your story in Vanity fair. I don’t usually read this magazine, my wife does. She told me, “You have to read this story.” You won’t believe what happened to her,” said Rep. Mike Kelly. “Telling what happened to you… is absolutely amazing and opens up a whole new vision for us.”

Hilton also shared a moment with Rep. Claudia Tenney: “I love your jacket,” Hilton told the legislator. “The flashes are amazing.”

“I’ve got some trinkets here today,” Tenney replied.

Hilton also appeared before Congress in 2021, where she advocated for lawmakers to adopt a “Bill of Rights” for children in institutional care.

On Wednesday, she said she hopes her testimony will change the lives of children like her.

“It’s an honor and a pleasure to be able to do this for children who don’t have a voice and be the heroes I needed when I was a little girl terrified of these places,” she said.