
Judges block most of Biden’s limited student loan relief program

Judges block most of Biden’s limited student loan relief program

On Monday, parts of US President Joe Biden’s limited student loan relief plan called Save on a Valuable Education (SAVE) were blocked by two separate court orders.

President Joe Biden speaks on student loan debt at Madison College on April 8, 2024 in Madison, Wisconsin. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The preliminary injunctions issued in Kansas and Missouri were in response to lawsuits filed by two groups of Republican-led states that challenged the legality of the SAVE program launched by the Biden administration in August 2023.

In Kansas, U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree blocked implementation of the final part of the SAVE plan, which would have cut monthly student loan payments in half for undergraduate students starting in July.

Loans under this part of the SAVE program are repaid based on your income. It plans to reduce undergraduate student debt payments from 10 percent to 5 percent of income above 225 percent of the federal poverty line.

This meant, for example, that for a two-person household earning a combined $60,000 a year, $44,370 of income would be protected and monthly repayments would drop on July 1 from $130.25 to $65.13 a month.