
“High levels of E. coli detected in the Thames” ahead of the Henley Royal Regatta

“High levels of E. coli detected in the Thames” ahead of the Henley Royal Regatta

Campaigners say high levels of E. coli bacteria have been detected on a section of the Thames that will host the historic Henley Royal Regatta next week.

Levels of bacteria that can cause serious infections were detected by the Henley and Marlow River Action group, which has been testing the water at Henley Mile every day from May 23 to July 7.

The group took samples near Fawley Meadows, which is close to a Thames Water combined sewer overflow pipe (CSO), which can discharge untreated sewage directly into the river.

Almost half of tests carried out up to 25 June failed to meet inland bathing water quality requirements (Andrew Matthews/PA)

Using a World Health Organisation-approved E.Coli Fluidion analyser and analysing results carried out by the charity Earthwatch, the group found that almost half (47%) of tests carried out up to 25 June did not meet the Environment Agency’s thresholds for inland bathing water quality.

To meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s lowest standards, only 10% of tests are allowed to fail.

The announcement is being made in connection with the qualifying races taking place on Friday, in which around 4,000 rowers are taking part.

Thames Water data showed a lower failure rate for samples taken on alternate days between May 15 and June 20 at two sites – one 2km upstream and the other 5km downstream from the sampling site on the River Action.

River Action argued that its test site was at the Henley Mile, where the races are held.

She added that readings would certainly be higher due to its location closer to the CSO pipeline and sewage treatment plant, compared to areas upstream and downstream where any discharge would be more diluted.

However, Thames Water maintains its results give an accurate picture of the water quality at Henley Mile and says no untreated sewage has been released from the nearby treatment plant since May 14.

The organizers of the Henley regatta have included guidelines for rowers, developed by British Rowing, River Action and The Rivers Trusts, on minimizing the risk of illness from exposure to contaminated water.

Similar guidance was issued ahead of the Oxbridge Thames Boat Race in March after River Action detected high levels of E.coli bacteria in the water at Hammersmith Bridge.

James Wallace, Chief Executive of River Action, said: “As we saw during the recent London University Boat Races on the Thames, there is a risk that rowers can become ill from waterborne pathogens, which not only impacts their racing but also puts their health and the sport at risk.”

Mr Wallace blamed Thames Water for polluting the river, adding: “We demand that they stop this flood of sewage which is threatening river users with serious diseases and the biodiversity of the river.

“The new government must tackle the water pollution crisis and ensure that water companies, including Thames Water, urgently invest in upgrading sewage treatment plants and fixing leaky infrastructure before someone becomes seriously ill or worse.”

Sir Steve Redgrave described the findings as a “stark reminder of the impact of sewage pollution” (David Parry/PA)

Sir Steve Redgrave, former Olympic rower, said: “Today’s findings are a stark reminder of the impact sewage pollution is having on our rivers.

“Henley Royal Regatta supports research undertaken by River Action which highlights the vital work that needs to be done to keep our waterways clean for everyone to enjoy.”

A spokesman for Thames Water said it recorded a sharp increase in E.coli readings over two days in May and two days in June following rainfall, adding that “a number of sources are likely to have contributed to these elevated readings, including agriculture, industry, road runoff and wildlife.”

They said: “We have been testing for E. coli and intestinal enterococci in the River Thames at Henley since mid-May, using specialist contractors who take samples every other day at two locations along the river. The samples are then tested and analysed in our ISO accredited laboratory.

“Laboratory test results to date indicate that E. coli levels in the Henley section of the Thames are consistently at levels that the Environment Agency would consider ‘good’ for bathing water in drought conditions.”

“We need an honest and balanced debate that takes into account the range of factors that affect the health of our rivers, not an alarmist approach that tries to apportion blame in a false way,” they added.