
EFF’s Marshall Dlamini is sentenced in parliament for suspended assault

EFF Secretary General Marshall Dlamini (in black) leaves court after the verdict. (Jenni Evans/News24)

EFF secretary-general Marshall Dlamini was sentenced by the Cape Town District Court to 18 months in prison, suspended for five years, for assaulting police officer Johan Carsten in Parliament in 2019.

Dlamini was also sentenced to a fine of R6 000 or three months in prison for wilful damage to property.

“I am prepared to accept that lessons were indeed learned,” Judge Nasha Banwari said in a speech before handing down the sentence, explaining why she did not opt ​​for a custodial sentence.

Dlamini was charged with assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, as well as criminal damage to property, following an incident following the 2019 State of the Nation Address.

Banwari convicted him of assaulting Carsten and breaking his glasses during an incident that took place in the hall of the National Assembly on February 7, 2019.

In his defence, Dlamini said he thought EFF leader Julius Malema would be attacked.

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