
Humane Society investigates animal abuse and cockfighting in Ohio – One Green Planet

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The Humane Society of Delaware County in Ohio is investigating a disturbing case of animal cruelty and potential cockfighting at a Sunbury residence. After neighbors complained, the society and Delaware County sheriff’s deputies executed a search warrant at 9442 Todd Street Road.

The investigation began after receiving a complaint about an injured dog on the property. After gaining access, the society’s investigator discovered several dogs requiring veterinary care and other concerning signs, including evidence suggesting cockfighting, according to Jana Cassidy, executive director of the Humane Society.

The person in charge of the animals, who has not been charged, voluntarily surrendered 90 animals. They included nine dogs, six rabbits and various birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigeons and parrots. The 11-acre property is owned by Efrain and Maria Quezada but was rented to a self-employed construction worker.

Cassidy stressed the need to provide all animals with food, water and shelter. Although some animals were cared for, many of them bred without any control. A Delaware County dog ​​warden and a team of volunteers, including Ted and Jackie Colflesh, provide shelter for rescued animals.

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