
What’s Next for the NFL? Payouts After TV Lawsuit Disaster

Good morning! This is Sean McNulty (to combine here on LINKED-IN if you want) and here’s the Hollywood + Media news you need to know FRIDAY, June 28, 2024

Where, um, well, I guess last night at least provided a reassuring sense of the “youth” of Hollywood’s leadership? Listen, that’s all I have here, unless you want to revisit this again great enthusiasm which abounded in SOTU just 3 months ago.

Big thanks to CNN for airing the show . . . The June debate (which yes, Team Biden asked for it), thus ruining our summer together while we ask ChatGPT “Is it possible to put a new candidate on the presidential ballot after July 4?” and it just tells us to do it – Just give it up, man.

(FWIW, NBC NEWS I posted this answer here — essentially, a lot would depend on the DNC convention in August).

See you on September 10. Via Giphy

TALKING ABOUT: Here’s the latest shot from OPENAI’s SORA, courtesy of the marketing department at TOYS “R” US, who used it to create this new ad. Well, sort of.

It took 20 people and a lot of post-production to make – something we’ll probably have to find a new name for, since there was no actual production involved either. I don’t think he was the composer or VO performer either.

  • It’s always nice when the CMO actually says what he thinks: “The train left the station and we simply decided to get on first.”Kim Miller OlkaCMO, TOYS “R” US.

IMO you shouldn’t look at the bugs that still exist, but rather at what will it look like, say, 6 years from now, in 2030? While yes, the chances of a CMO being able to use SORA to create ads themselves are slim – so there’s a risk that 20 employees will still be needed in the process in a few years.

Flaws and all. TOYS “R” US intends to release this ad to the public unaltered and will soon make it available on various streaming platforms. #ThanksProgramBuying!

AND: According to Questionnairemid-year concert report:

  • Gross average per show: -6.9%

  • Avg. ticket sales per show: -16.9%

  • Total revenue exceeded $3 billion for the first time

So charging people more. . . but fewer of them choose to interact with your product. Where have I heard this before?

However WSJ reports that VIP packages are still a dynamically developing sector. Poll star also provides the average ticket price in North America for the top 100 tours +40% from 2019.

PLUS: IATSE and AMPTP have reached another agreementThis time Agreement on area standards which covers 20 thousand film and television industry employees across the country. Now let’s move on to the Teamsters and Basic Crafts unions, whose offers expire in a month, on July 31st.

I had a lot of mixed thoughts this weekend… My bet is $45-50 million. Calm place, and add me to the Heartland crew Horizon for over $12 million.


Via Giphy