
Pretoria prosecutor charged with corruption and extortion released on R5 000 bail

Pretoria prosecutor charged with corruption and extortion released on R5 000 bail

Thirty-one-year-old Ignacia Koketso Mahlakwane appeared in the Pretoria Magistrates’ Court on charges of corruption, extortion and obstruction of justice


The Pretoria District Attorney is in shock over an alleged bribe.

Ignacia Koketso Mahlakwane (31) appeared before the Pretoria District Court on charges of corruption, extortion and obstructing the course of justice.

According to National Prosecutor’s Office (NPA) it is alleged that on July 6, 2023, Mahlakwane accepted a gratuity of between R70,000 and R80,000.

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This meant that she refused to prosecute a man who was appearing before the Pretoria Magistrates’ Court on charges of assault with intent to commit grievous bodily harm.

Lumka Mahanjana, NPA Pretoria regional spokesperson, said:

After the man, now the plaintiff in this case, refused to pay the requested amount, on 24 October 2023, Mahlakwane, acting in concert with her accomplice, issued the man with a summons J175 to appear in Court C of the District Court in Pretoria.

She added that the complainant subsequently reported the matter to the police.

Mahanjana said Mahlakwane was arrested on June 26 in the Pretoria District Court following an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Investigation Unit.

She was released on R5,000 bail, pleading no contest, and the case was adjourned to August 28 for further inquiries.

Mahanjana added:

The NPA is committed to fighting corruption at all levels, including within its own ranks.

READ: President of the KZN District Court in court on corruption charges

This is not the first time that the Pretoria Magistrates’ Court has been embroiled in corruption allegations and the chief judge Desmond Nair currently suspended for allegedly accepting a bribe from Bosasa in September 2016

He was first arrested and charged with corruption in October 2022 over the installation of 200,000 rand worth of security equipment at his Pretoria home by controversial company Bosasa, now African Global Operations.

Nair faces one count of corruption after allegedly approving the installation of full electric fencing, closed-circuit television and alarm systems.