
“I have never, ever seen such an overt political campaign”

Allies of dirty energy companies are uniting to protect companies like Chevron from lawsuits that would force them to pay for climate damage, the Guardian reports.

What’s going on?

A number of states and cities are suing Big Oil over what they say is a decades-long disinformation campaign about the dangers of burning fossil fuels. Honolulu is at the center of the battle, with a lawsuit that could force big players in the industry to pay for climate damages.

Although Hawaii’s Supreme Court said the city’s lawsuit could go to trial, in February the oil companies petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review the state court’s decision. The motion argues that the case should be thrown out because pollution is a federal, not state, issue, according to the Guardian.

Meanwhile, industry allies — backed by billionaire-led corporations — have launched an orchestrated campaign to influence the court, publishing op-eds in several national media outlets, such as Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, and running a social media campaign.

“I have never, ever seen such an overt political campaign to influence the court,” Patrick Parenteau, a senior fellow in climate policy and professor at Vermont Law School, told the Guardian.

Why is this campaign disturbing?

According to the Guardian, if the court grants the oil industry’s request, it could result in the dismissal of other similar climate-related lawsuits.

This is a concern for human health because, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, dirty fuels such as oil, gas and coal release nitrogen oxides into the air when burned, leading to smog and acid rain. Inhalation of pollutants contained in smog may cause respiratory disorders, circulatory system dysfunction, neurological disorders and cancer. Excess nitrogen in the air can also pollute bodies of water, leading to harmful algal blooms and oxygen-deprived water zones, the EPA says.

Dirty energy also accounts for more than 75% of all planet-warming pollution, according to the United Nations. As global temperatures continue to rise, we can expect more extreme weather that threatens communities and food security.

What is done with dirty energy?

In addition to the ongoing lawsuits against the industry, several cities and countries are taking proactive approaches to weaning themselves off sources of planet-warming fuels. For example, Wales is banning most new road projects to reduce carbon pollution, and Los Angeles is banning gas power in all new buildings.

Many large corporations are also changing their approach. Firstly, HSBC, one of the largest banks in the world, will no longer finance oil and gas fields. Additionally, companies like Microsoft, Walmart, Apple and Meta are now the largest corporate users of solar energy in America.

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