
Driver Blows Entire Fence Down With Tesla Cybertruck. He Did It On Purpose!

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Photo: Supercar_ron | Instagram

Tesla has been calling the Cybertruck “bulletproof” and “waterproof” since the beginning. The poor thing even got hit during its debut event on stage in front of a large audience. But here’s a Cybertruck driver proving that it’s also… fence-proof. Too bad that poor fence isn’t Cybertruck-proof.

Since Tesla started deliveries on November 30, 2023, Cybetruck owners have done all kinds of crazy and useless things to prove how rough and rough their vehicles are. They shot at him. They threw stainless steel balls at his windows. They slammed doors with baseball bats. They were throwing shopping carts into it.

They went through so many trials and tribulations that all of these senseless actions prompted Tesla engineer Wes Morill to ask them: “Stop torturing your Cybertrucks!

But this desperate call does not mean the end. In fact, it seems that this is just the beginning of more suffering for the poor Electric vehicle. The last action is senseless, just like all the others. On Instagram, you can see how the driver of the Cybertruck drives straight into a white fence on the side of the road and smashes it. He stops only where the fence ends.

It’s true that the fence looked like plastic and didn’t do much damage to the Cybertruck, but there’s a stripe that looks like a scratch on the hood, caused by one of the vertical pieces of the fence that was clearly trying to resist the EV’s attack.

Photo: Supercar_ron | Instagram

The Tesla pickup truck, which has once again caused too much fuss about nothing, has a black satin wrap on the front and weakened flares on the sides, making us wonder if the wrap was ever there, if it has been partially peeled off, or if the vehicle just needs a visit to the car wash. It also has additional lights on the roof and front. We have our doubts, however, whether the ones at the front will remain untouched.

The vehicle has a sticker reading “supercar_ron” on one of the rear windows. At the end of the video you can see a person behind the wheel who looks like Supercar Ron. Ron is a supercar and hypercar collector from Utah. Even though she has her own YouTube channel and dedicated social media pages, she never shows her face on camera. He wears his unique camouflage prop: a fake beard, a hat, and sunglasses to hide his features.

Last winter, he lent his Cybertruck to a team of daredevils and told them they could do whatever they wanted with it. And so the Cybertruck climbed snow-covered mountains, despite all the setbacks the team had to face.

This time, however, he faced online criticism for his stunt on the fence, as Instagram users accused him of spoiling the perfect car for clicks. We all know Cybertruck can get one for the team. If this were another truck (I hope other drivers don’t get any stupid ideas!), its bumper would probably be sitting somewhere halfway there right now.