
Soccer star’s son, Heung Min’s father, charged with child molestation

His brother had been charged before.

Korean soccer star Heung Min’s sonthe family becomes increasingly embroiled in accusations of assaulting students at their football academy. We have already written about the charges against Son’s brother Heung Yun’s sonAt the same time, reports emerged that Son’s father, Woong Jung’s sonand two other coaches from his academy allegedly verbally and physically abused the young athlete.

Son Woong Jung | Korea Times

According to local police, the parents of the athlete in question filed a complaint with the relevant authorities on March 19. They gave the names of Son Woong Jung and two other coaches from Son’s Football Academywhere the older son is the principal, for verbally abusing the child for making mistakes and not keeping up with training. The incident took place during a training camp on the Japanese island of Okinawa between March 7 and 12.

The academy’s coach was also accused of beating the same child with a corner flag on March 9. According to reports, the players were instructed to run from the goal post to the halfway line within 20 seconds and four of them failed to do so. These four students were allegedly hit by the flag while they were on the board. The parents told authorities they learned about the incident after noticing a bruise on their son’s thigh after he returned from the camp.

Another coach at the academy was accused of repeatedly beating young students on the buttocks and thighs in their living quarters. Some additional allegations also mentioned that he pulled the boys’ hair or hit them in the head.

Players training at Son Football Academy | Athlete

Son Woong Jung spoke to the media about the accusations, saying that many of the claims are far from the truth. He stated that the alleged beatings were a form of punishment resulting from the desire to improve young athletes. He also added that the parents demanded “hundreds of millions of won” in compensation from the academy, which they considered unacceptable.

I regret that I did not recognize the changing times and standards set by law and instruct my children in my own way. I promise to find another way so that the kids can concentrate on the pitch and engage in training as much as possible.

— Woong Jung’s son, Yonhap

Son Woong Jung, father of South Korean national soccer team captain Son Heung Min, was a soccer player himself. Early in Son Heung Min’s career, his father supervised his disciplinary training. His training tactics with his son have long been a topic of discussion among South Korean fans, as he has openly admitted to using corporal punishment against him.