
Firefighters battle new wildfire near Lake Tustamena, 26 miles south of Soldotna – Alaska Wildland Fire Information

House Information about the AK fire Firefighters are battling a new blaze near Lake Tustamena, 26 miles south of Soldotna

Firefighters are currently battling the 20-acre Lake Tustumena Fire (#311) approximately two miles northwest of the northern shores of Lake Tustumena. The fire is burning in a roadless area in a black spruce forest, far from any buildings. Firefighters were transported by helicopter to the fire to begin extinguishing the fire with the support of firefighting planes and water collection planes. Additional paratroopers were called in to reinforce the firefighting efforts on the ground. Fire personnel will continue to use helicopters dropping water throughout the evening to cool the perimeter of the fire to build a fire line, slowing the spread of the fire.

With many incipient fires occurring in the coastal region, fire managers are using limited resources to ensure the greatest benefit from fire suppression efforts throughout the region. Smoke and aircraft will be visible to those traveling along Tustumena Lake Road, but the fire does not pose a threat to the public at this time.

Tustemena Lake Fire (#311) Public Information Map for Saturday, June 29, 2024. Click on the map to download a PDF file to enlarge or print.
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Categories: AK Fire Info, Alaska DNR – Division of Forestry (DOF)

Tags: Alaska Fire Season 2024, Alaska Division of Forestry, Soldotna, Lake Tustamena Fire