
Boy thrown from Tate Modern balcony could celebrate birthday with friends

The boy who was thrown from the 10th floor of London’s Tate Modern art gallery was able to celebrate his birthday with other children for the first time since the attack.

The young Frenchman was six years old when he was seriously injured in autistic teenager Jonty Bravery’s attack on the tourist attraction in August 2019.

In a post on a GoFundMe page, which has raised more than 353,000 euros (nearly £300,000) for the boy’s treatment and rehabilitation, his family said: “Our son was able to invite classmates and even one of his friends from our old town was able to come!

Police outside the Tate Modern after the incident (Yui Mok/PA)

“They had a great afternoon together, despite their differences in mobility.

“It was exhausting for us, but it was one step closer to a classic life, and it’s worth it.”

The boy moves his left ankle, has strengthened his back and has even tried to use the school canteen but he is still very sensitive to noise.

He complained of earaches after lunch in the canteen and next week his occupational therapist will lend him some noise-canceling headphones to see if they can help soothe his eardrums if needed.

His family said the new ankle movement was “still slight of course, but clearly visible for two weeks.”

They add: “Our little knight is standing more and more straight (he has gained muscle tone and strengthened his back) and he has made enough progress in his right ankle for his doctor to decide to remove the splint from his right foot. !

“Our son now only has two splints, on his left foot and his left hand. Little by little, his armor is disappearing!”

Autistic teenager Jonty Bravery has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempted murder (Metropolitan Police/PA)

The boy also has a “strong desire” to go in the water, as he has always loved swimming, but this can now only be managed with “great vigilance”, according to those close to him.

They said: “He still can’t put his head under water because of his difficulty swallowing. Our son has to start everything from the beginning but that doesn’t scare him! »

The family added: “Some times are so difficult. Sadness and discouragement overcome us sometimes, but we must hold on and concentrate on all the progress made.

“Thank you so much for continuing to think of our little knight and encouraging us.”

– Bravery was convicted of attempted murder in 2020 and sentenced to 15 years in prison.