
2 policemen were seriously injured as a result of clashes in the German city of Essen – World

Police detain a protester during a rally of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Essen, Germany, on June 29. (Photo/Agencies)

BERLIN – Two police officers were seriously injured in clashes during a mass demonstration against the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party congress on Saturday in Essen, western Germany, and several others suffered minor injuries, local media quoted police as saying.

As riot police were escorting an AfD delegate away on Saturday, two officers were kicked “in the head” by unknown assailants, Essen police said, adding that the officers “were attacked even while lying on the ground” and had to be taken to hospital with serious injuries.

Further clashes occurred during the protests against the two-day AfD party congress in Essen that started on Saturday. According to the police, several tens of thousands of people initially protested peacefully. However, the morning blockade operation turned partly brutal, leaving eleven other police officers injured.

“Against right-wing extremism and racism, we need strong democratic forces and peaceful protests,” wrote Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on the X social media platform on Saturday. The minister stressed that the violence was “unjustified.” Faeser thanked police for their efforts.