
Nearly 500 infringement notices issued over police attacks on boys racing

Police are responding to anti-social car gatherings across the country.
Photo: 123RF

There were numerous street racers again across the country last night, despite police taking decisive steps to stamp out anti-social behavior by drivers.

An Eagle helicopter was deployed to the lower North Island and police responded to gatherings in Wellington, Canterbury, Bay of Plenty and Auckland on Saturday evening.


In Wellington, police issued 138 infringement notices overnight and a further 19 vehicles were removed from the streets.

Five vehicles were confiscated by bailiffs due to unpaid fines, three were towed and 11 vehicles were marked with a pink or green sticker due to non-compliance with the regulations.

420 people passing through checkpoints were breathalysed, and excessive alcohol consumption was found in two drivers.

One person was arrested after failing to stop and fleeing from police, and a stolen Subaru was also confiscated.

“The Police Air Support Unit helicopter, known as the Eagle, supported our staff on the ground to successfully disperse approximately 300 vehicles throughout the evening,” said Acting Wellington District Commander Nick Thom.

“These events are dangerous and will not be tolerated in Wellington.”


On Saturday evening, 171 infringement notices were issued in Canterbury and 33 vehicles had pink or green stickers for safety reasons.

Seven people were arrested for disorderly conduct, four people were issued summonses for excessive alcohol consumption in their breath and one person had their licence suspended.

Police confiscated a further six vehicles and four were detained by bailiffs for failure to pay fines.

“The community can expect us to continue to step up and disrupt this behaviour,” said Canterbury District Acting Superintendent Lane Todd. “It will not be tolerated.”

Bay of Plenty

Bay of Plenty Police have set up checkpoints at entry points into Rotorua to intercept groups involved in illegal activity before it begins on Saturday evening.

Police said 163 infringement notices were issued.

Four vehicles were confiscated and 14 green stickers were issued to keep vehicles off the road, while two drivers received multiple tickets for failing to follow directions.

Three people were detained, seven were cited for driving under the influence of alcohol, and one person had their driving license confiscated.

“More importantly, we also prevented the death or serious injury of a young person or people,” Detective Inspector Phil Gillbanks said.

“It is clear that we do not want anti-social road users here and we will continue to operate until that message gets through,” he said.

Two illegal radio devices were also found among the vehicles passing through checkpoints.

“These devices have the potential to disrupt police operational channels with potentially catastrophic consequences and prosecutions are being considered.”


Police also said they were aware of a “planned meeting of car enthusiasts” in Albany that was scheduled to take place Saturday evening.

“Staff were deployed to monitor and the large crowd generally behaved well. When the adverse activity was detected, staff arrived on scene and those involved left the area.”