
Emmerdale’s Tom’s abusive behaviour was ‘voiced’ by villager as fans believed he was going to be exposed

Emmerdale viewers are on edge as they suspect that Charity Dingle will come to the rescue of Belle Dingle from her dangerous husband, Tom King, after a series of disturbing events.

In the Thursday, June 27 episode, fans witnessed an escalation of Tom’s horrific abuse after he returned home from the hospital where he was being treated following a near-fatal accident.

The shocking event took place in the barn at Butler’s farm, where a furious Tom flew into a rage upon learning that Belle had secretly terminated their pregnancy. In his anger, he struck a rotating insulator with a pipe, resulting in a severe electric shock and his urgent admission to hospital in critical condition.

Tom was treated in hospital after the accident which ‘nearly ended in death’ – Source: ITV

Although doctors briefly declared him dead, Tom miraculously survived thanks to immediate assistance and quickly left the hospital.

At home, Tom continued his aggressive behavior towards Belle. Concerned for Belle’s well-being, Charity paid a visit and was surprised to find Tom had already returned home.

Meanwhile, Bella’s packed bags, signaling her desire to flee, were left ominously by the door.

Fans suspect Charity will ‘save’ Belle -Source: (Image: ITV)

A worried Charity remarks, “I was worried for a while, Tom,” prompting Tom’s reaction, “Not as worried as Belle, she thought she’d have to arrange my funeral.”

Tom managed to convince Charity to drop her suspicions, but fans believe she fell for him. When she questioned him about the wreckage left behind by the barn, he avoided her, saying, “We just want to be alone.” He then changed the subject, revealing Belle’s miscarriage.

A visibly shaken Charity tries to comfort Belle, but Charity doesn’t miss the strange dynamics between Tom and Belle, especially when Tom demands that she leave their home, causing Charity to speculate about his true nature.

She later told Noah, “Something is wrong! No, he (Tom) is not decent… he is almost perfect, and when someone or something seems perfect…”

Viewers are on edge, hoping Charity will piece together Tom’s sinister actions and step in to save Belle. On social media, fans shared their theories and support for Charity’s detective skills.

Emmerdale fans hope the charity will piece together Tom’s dastardly actions – Source: (Image: ITV)

One viewer said: “#Emmerdale Charity has lived Belle’s life so I think she’ll notice something’s wrong long before anyone else.”

Someone else declared: “Also the charity is 100% focused on Tom today! ! ! And I’m here for it! ! ! #Emmerdale,” while another fan chimed in: “‘The charity is with Tom for MONEY, I need her to board’ him RN #emmerdale.”

Other fan requests included: “Come on charity get Tom out quick and fast” and “CHARITY CONNECTING THE DOTS Oh my god #Emmerdale”.

If you have been affected by this story, you can get free and confidential support from Refuge’s 24/7 national domestic violence helpline on 0808 2000 247 and digital support via live chat Monday to Friday 3pm to 10pm. You can also visit technical security website to learn more about technology-enabled abuse.