
A policeman guarding the Israeli embassy was shot by a terrorist with an arrow

(JNS) – A Serbian police officer on Saturday shot and killed a man who shot at him with a crossbow outside the Israeli embassy in Belgrade.

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The officer was wounded by an arrow in the neck but managed to return fire.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Interior Minister Ivica Dačić said the officer was conscious and in hospital.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, Dačić added.

“Today there was an attempted terrorist attack in the area of ​​the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade. The embassy was closed and no employees were injured,” reads a statement from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Earlier this month, a man threw a Molotov cocktail at the Israeli embassy in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. No one was injured or damaged in the attack, and a 34-year-old suspect, apparently of Syrian origin, was immediately arrested.

Since the Hamas-led invasion on October 7, Israeli embassies around the world have been on high alert.

Late last month in Mexico City, Hamas supporters set fire to the Israeli embassy during a protest allegedly against Israeli military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

In March, the Israeli embassy in the Netherlands was bombed with an incendiary bomb, and in January an explosive device was found near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is behind the Swedish attack and other terrorist acts targeting Israeli embassies across Europe since October 7, according to the Mossad intelligence agency.

There are also suspicions that Tehran-backed gangs carried out an attack on an Israeli facility in Brussels, during which two airsoft grenades were thrown.

On December 26, Israeli missions were put on high alert after an explosion near the Jewish state embassy in New Delhi. Embassy staff were present at the time of the explosion.

A month earlier, a 53-year-old man was arrested in Tokyo after he crashed his vehicle into a barricade at the entrance to the Israeli Embassy. One policeman suffered non-life-threatening injuries in the attack.

In October, an Israeli embassy official was attacked in Beijing as Hamas called for a day of global “mobilization” against the Jewish people. The attack did not occur on the embassy premises, and after being evacuated to hospital, the diplomat’s condition is stable.

A week later, Cypriot police arrested four Syrians after an improvised explosive device was thrown 30 meters from the Israeli embassy in Nicosia.

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