
Kevin Spacey Wins Bid to Overturn Supreme Court Ruling in Sexual Harassment Case

Kevin Spacey has won a bid to overturn a Supreme Court ruling in a sexual harassment case filed after his lawyers failed to file a defense in time.

In 2022, the Oscar-winning actor was sued in the High Court in London by a man who claimed he was sexually harassed by Mr Spacey and suffered “psychiatric damage”.

The civil proceedings were put on hold after Mr Spacey was charged – and then acquitted – in criminal proceedings relating to a series of sex offences committed by four men between 2001 and 2013.

At the hearing on Tuesday, the court learned that the actor’s lawyers from the Carter Ruck law firm were supposed to submit a written defense after the end of the criminal proceedings, but did not do so.

Earlier this year, a default judgment was entered against Mr. Spacey in a civil case regarding his liability.

Adam Speker KC, representing Mr Spacey, filed a motion to set aside the default judgment, describing the failure to file the documents as a “genuine mistake by his lawyer”.

The barrister told the hearing in London that it would be unfair to proceed to a compensation hearing and the disputed allegations should go to trial.

In setting aside the default civil judgment, Judge David Cook said the lawyers “frankly screwed up.”

He said: “In my opinion there is no excuse for missing this date.

The truth is that in this case the defendant’s lawyers made a mistake.

“In my opinion, this error cannot be attributed to the defendant.”

Judge Cook added: “The interests of justice require that these allegations come to trial and the default judgment should therefore be quashed.”

Civil proceedings have been put on hold after Kevin Spacey was charged – and subsequently acquitted – in criminal proceedings relating to a series of sex offences committed by four men between 2001 and 2013 (PA)

Claire Glasgow of Fieldfisher, who represented the claimant, said after the hearing: “We are pleased that the judge recognised the seriousness of the claim and ordered the court to continue with the hearing.

“Our client seeks justice in civil courts for the serious allegations against Spacey, regardless of the findings of the criminal trial.”

The hearing took place after Mr Spacey denied allegations of inappropriate behavior ahead of the Channel 4 documentary.

The programme, titled “Spacey Unmasked”, began airing on Monday and is set to feature the men’s testimony “regarding events they believe occurred between 1976 and 2013”.

Ahead of the broadcast, the 64-year-old actor told former GB News presenter Dan Wootton: “I take full responsibility for my past behaviour and actions but I cannot and will not take responsibility or apologise to anyone who has made up things about me or exaggerated stories about me.”

“I have never told anyone that if they gave me sexual favors, I would help them with their career, ever.”

Mr Spacey added: “It is clear that I have dated a few men who thought a relationship with me would help their career.

“But there was no conversation with me, it was all part of their plan, a plan that was doomed to failure from the start because I was not part of that deal.”

On Thursday, the US star said he had “repeatedly asked” Channel 4 to give him more than seven days to respond to allegations made about him in their documentary, and said the broadcaster had refused.