
Warwickshire firefighters honored for outstanding fundraising – Warwickshire County Council


Two firefighters from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS), Rachel Streeting and Claire Wooldridge, have been recognised for their incredible fundraising efforts, receiving a prestigious award…

TWarwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) firefighters Rachel Streeting and Claire Wooldridge have been recognized for their incredible fundraising efforts. They received the prestigious “Fundraising Hero Award” at the recent Women in the Fire Service (WFS) Awards 2024.

Rachel and Claire were instrumental in raising over £75,000 for the Fire Fighters charity. Their commitment is demonstrated through a variety of events including Nuneaton and Stratford Fire Brigade Open Days and charity car washes.

The WFS Awards Ceremony took place on 8 June and was held to recognise outstanding achievements in the fire and rescue sector. With Claire unable to attend the ceremony earlier this month, Chief Fire Officer Ben Brook presented the awards to both firefighters this week at Nuneaton Fire Station.

“Claire and Rachel are true fundraising heroes,” said Fire Chief Ben Brook. “Their tireless efforts in raising money for the Fire Fighters charity and other worthy causes deserve huge gratitude. This award is a well-deserved recognition of their hard work and commitment.”

Councillor Andy Crump, Board Member for Fire and Rescue and Community Safety emphasized the importance of his work. “Community events such as open days rely heavily on the hard work of our WFRS Charity Ambassadors and Claire and Rachel have made a significant impact and we are very grateful for their valuable contribution.”

Reflecting on her nearly 25 years of dedication, Rachel expressed her appreciation. “Being nominated for the Fundraising Hero Award is a humbling honor. It’s incredibly rewarding to see people who attended the events as children return with their families. This national distinction is truly unique. Thank you”.

Claire, who is known for building positive relationships in the Nuneaton and Bedworth communities, added: “I am overwhelmed with this award! It’s fantastic to be recognized for my efforts in organizing and raising funds for the Fire Fighters Charity, which provides vital support for injured firefighters and their families.”

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service extends heartfelt congratulations to both Rachel and Claire. Their commitment to the Fire Fighters charity and the local community is a true inspiration.