
Judge Judy Works Out Harder Than You – The Wellness Program That’ll Keep You Looking and Feeling Good at 81

Judge Judith Sheindlin saw the beauty in being physically fit for more than just swinging a hammer.

“I have a responsibility to keep the ship healthy and looking good,” the Daytime Emmy winner told The Post about her twice-daily exercise regimen.

Both in and out of the courtroom, the 81-year-old legal star is a powerhouse who doesn’t let age limit her reach. Daily exercise, a total of 10 hours a week, became second nature to her.

Instead of relying on the advice of a personal trainer, Judge Judy works out on her own, at her own pace, in her home gym.

She and her husband, former New York Supreme Court Justice Jerry Sheindlin, 90, have been keeping their hearts racing for at least 60 to 90 minutes every morning for at least 60 to 90 minutes for the past four decades.

He likes to sweat on the treadmill or during strength training. But for Sheindlin, her exercise regimen is less about vanity and more about mental fitness.

Judge Judy practices up to 90 minutes a day. Courtesy of Sarah Rose

He likes to sweat on the treadmill or during resistance training.

“If your mind is in good shape and your body is not, (weaker) one will eventually affect the other,” host Judy Justice continued, encouraging able-bodied people of all ages to follow suit for the sake of their well-being.

“Exercise is important for my physical and mental health,” the Brooklyn native insisted.

And it’s no surprise that this pragmatic lawyer – known for almost 30 years of berating fraudsters who tell “nonsense” on court shows – is absolutely right, because exercise has been proven to have many health benefits.

She and her husband Jerry Sheindlin, 90, work out together. Courtesy of Sarah Rose

Judy usually works out on a treadmill or during a resistance training session. Courtesy of Sarah Rose

And while exercise certainly keeps the bright 18-year-old in overall good shape, Sheindlin also attributes part of her ongoing vitality to good sleep.

But Dynamo tells The Post that her “Z”s are often interrupted by crazy ideas for new TV series, such as Amazon Freevee’s upcoming project “Justice on Trial.”

This dramatic documentary explores the landmark Supreme Court decisions that shaped the American justice system.

“It’s going to be a great, fun and informative show that will subconsciously teach you something,” she said of her upcoming show. James Dimmock/Amazon Freevee

“If your mind is in good shape and your body is not, the (weaker) one will eventually affect the other,” she said. Courtesy of Sarah Rose

“One of the first cases we will be trying is Gideon v. Wainwright,” the judge revealed.

The landmark 1963 decision required federal and state courts to appoint legal defense attorneys to defendants who could not afford an attorney.

Through reconstructions, Sheindlin plans to show the inciting events, trials and appeals in each case in hour-long episodes. “Justice on Trial” does not yet have an official debut date.

“It will be a fantastic, fun and informative program that will subconsciously teach you something,” she said. “People want to be smarter and tell me they have learned a lot about law, life and social interactions by watching me over the years.”

Sheindlin also attributes her enduring vitality to good sleep. Courtesy of Sarah Rose

She has been married to former New York Supreme Court Justice Jerry Sheindlin, 90, for four decades. John Salangsang/

Yet, ironically, despite the A-list referee’s illustrious tenure on the bench, she arguably earned top praise for her role as a makeup judge in February’s Elf Cosmetics Super Bowl ad.

“I’ve never received more respect than I have in the last few months because of the success of that commercial,” Sheindlin said with a laugh, adding that landing a big promotion for the game had long been a dream of his. “It was a nice surprise.”

Appearing as “Judge Beauty” in the 60-second spot, which also aired during the 2024 Academy Awards, Sheindlin brings order to the courthouse with the iconic slogan “Beauty fades, stupid stays forever.”

“The way to have an interesting and exciting life adventure is to stay engaged and smart — looks can only get you so far,” Sheindlin said. Michael Becker Television/IMDb

And the purple-wearing beauty told The Post she hopes fans, especially teens who are caught up in the current “rejuvenation” trend, will take it to heart.

“The way to keep life interesting and exciting is to stay engaged and smart — appearances can only take you so far,” Sheindlin said.

“If you think you’re going to rely only on appearances, the adventure will be boring,” she warned with a laugh. “You can have fun from the age of 22 to 27, but after that it’s downhill.”

“If you have a great brain, show it.”