
New York police murder 13-year-old

On Friday evening, police in the upstate New York city of Utica shot and killed 13-year-old Nyah Mway, a young refugee. Mway had graduated from eighth grade two days earlier.

Police arrested the youth and his friend around 10 p.m. while investigating a series of robberies in West Utica.

Nyah Mway, 13, from Utica, New York. (Photo: Mway family)

In the police camera footage, the officers tell the youth, with their lights flashing, that they stopped them because one of them was riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. They then tell Mway to put his hands in the air. But when they ask him to search him for weapons, he runs away in fear.

The police video, which appears to have been edited, shows the youth holding an object that police said looked like a gun to them. The police start shouting that he is armed. A video recorded by a witness shows police knocking Mwaya to the ground. At that moment, Officer Patrick Husnay, a six-year police veteran, fires a single shot into Mwaya’s chest from a standing position.

The weapon recovered by police was a pellet gun that was allegedly made to look like a lethal weapon. The officer shown in the police video examining the device was unable to correctly identify it.

The video was taken by a bystander, apparently standing on a nearby porch. It’s terrifying.