
Parents discover their daughter’s “sexual abuse by a priest” after finding shocking drawings in her bedroom

Shocking drawings show the attack suffered by a five-year-old girl (Photo: CEN)

A Brazilian couple learned of the horrific sexual abuse their five-year-old daughter suffered at the hands of a priest after finding a series of disturbing drawings depicting the attacks.

Father Joao da Silva, 54, pleaded guilty to the attack after confronting the girl’s father in Montes Claros, Minas Gerai, Brazil.

The shocking photos came to light after their daughter refused to take part in da Silva’s further religious lessons.

The girl was so upset that her parents took her to a child psychologist, who suspected sexual abuse and recommended that her parents thoroughly search her room to look for any signs of violence.

The priest admitted to the attacks (photo: CEN)

Among her books were six shocking drawings depicting abuse in shocking detail.

One of the engravings showed a man with what looked like an erect penis, towering over a child, with an expression of pure terror on his face.

Another photo, showing a stomach twisting, shows the girl lying on a bed while a man squeezes between her legs and she screams in terror.

Police say the priest, who admitted to the assault, has been arrested and questioned on child abuse allegations.

Karine Maia from the Delegation to Stop Crimes Against Women said: “We found six drawings among the child’s belongings.”

“One of them caught our attention. It shows the face of a naked man with an erect penis.