
How Universities Can Help International Students Succeed

How Universities Can Help International Students Succeed

International students often face challenges adjusting to college life in the U.S. A new study by Terra Dotta assesses some of their concerns and identifies ways to support them.

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In the 2022-2023 academic year, U.S. higher education institutions enrolled more than 1 million international students, accounting for 5.6 percent of the U.S. student body, according to Open Doors.

Many times, support for international students can be limited due to a lack of public sector funding to retain and complete these students. The 2024 Terra Dotta International Student Survey, released June 5, highlights themes in the experiences of currently enrolled international students.


The survey represents the opinions of 356 international students (from undergraduate to graduate level) studying in the U.S. in more than two dozen countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, India and the United Kingdom.

The report outlines the factors that are most important for student persistence and retention, including the need for financial and social support to support development.

Concerns about studies: Starting college and moving away from home can be a challenge for any student, but especially for those crossing borders to pursue postgraduate studies.

Before arriving in the U.S., students expected to have difficulty interacting socially and making friends (33 percent) and to miss home (29 percent). In EdSights’ fall 2023 data, 18 percent of international students said they often miss home, and an additional 47 percent miss home sometimes.

Terra Dotta data showed that academics also posed challenges for students as they adjusted to education in the U.S. A little less than half of students cited the amount of homework (47 percent) and the pressure to do well on exams and assignments (37 percent) as the biggest stressors. A little more than half (53 percent) of students felt extremely well-integrated into their campus community, with an additional 24 percent feeling moderately integrated.

A third of Student Voice respondents who are international students (n=50) say they feel an average or poor sense of social belonging at their university (20 per cent and 14 per cent respectively), compared to 28 per cent of all respondents. In comparison, 86 per cent say they feel an excellent, good or average sense of academic belonging at their institution.

About half of Terra Dotta respondents said they were concerned about crime, theft, and personal safety in the U.S. (49 percent) before arriving, while another 26 percent were concerned about discrimination or bias based on nationality, race, gender, or other factors. Twenty-eight percent of respondents had no such concerns.

While enrolled, only 31 percent have concerns about safety, 24 percent worry about discrimination, and 17 percent worry about access to health care. Just under half of students have witnessed or experienced discrimination on campus (47 percent).

What works: Based on survey responses, higher education leaders should consider investing in the following strategies.

  • Specialist orientation. Seventy-three percent of students say that specialized orientation was most helpful during the transition to college, as were welcome and social events (63 percent). This extra time on campus can help students feel at home in the U.S. and help them with any logistical needs, such as purchasing dorm supplies.
  • Peer connections. To further integrate into the institution, 45 percent of international students want additional cultural and intercultural activities. Peer counseling among international students can be one way to provide interpersonal and academic support for students, but providing a space where students can connect with domestic students is also crucial.
  • Quality of education. Not surprisingly, student satisfaction with academic programs (50 percent) and quality of instruction (38 percent) were ranked as the most important factors influencing students’ decisions to stay or consider transferring. Higher education leaders should consider how their program offerings serve all students and are inclusive to those from outside the U.S. Investing in academic and educational initiatives can also help students feel more integrated with their institution, 35 percent of respondents noted.
  • Financial support. Affordability and financial eligibility are top concerns for students regarding retention, with 68 percent citing them as the most important factors in retaining students. Colleges should consider their financial aid packages and how the needs and expenses of international students may differ from those of their domestic peers.
  • Apprenticeships. Career preparation is also a priority for students, with 42 percent of respondents indicating that finding employment in the U.S. is an area where they most need institutional support. More than half (56 percent) of international students plan to remain in the U.S. after graduation, but many need help from their institution in finding an employer to sponsor them (43 percent) or assistance in obtaining a visa or work permit (41 percent). Students particularly want job fairs with internationally friendly employers (42 percent) and alumni networks to build global career connections with students (26 percent).

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