
Labour seeks unity as Payman suspension row continues

Labour seeks unity as Payman suspension row continues

Trade union leaders have rejected suggestions that suspended Senator Fatima Payman has been ignored by party colleagues as a row over the prime minister’s decision threatens to disrupt government business.

Senator Payman has described being isolated by Labor and colleagues after he was suspended from the primary for entering the parliamentary chamber to support a pro-Palestinian motion put forward by the Greens.

Asked on the ABC if Senator Payman was being intimidated, Health Minister Mark Butler rejected the claim and said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was acting in line with established party policy.

Senior Labour figures have rejected claims that Senator Fatima Payman (centre) was being intimidated. (Lukas Coch/AAP PHOTOS)

“No, I completely reject that approach,” he said.

“The prime minister’s position was set out in a measured, proportionate way on Sunday, following the Insiders interview,” he said, referring to Senator Payman’s comments about raising a similar vote on Palestine again.

“It’s not a new position. It’s a position that has been taken by prime ministers from Hawke, Keating, Whitlam, through Curtin and Chifley, and even before that.”

“It’s a very long-standing Labour Party principle that party candidates subscribe to, quite frankly, when they are given the privilege of standing for election to public office with Labour next to their name on the ballot paper.”

Senator Fatima Payman (center) sits with Senator David Pocock after walking through the chamber. (Lukas Coch/AAP PHOTOS)

The Western Australian senator has also been informed that she should not take part in any Senate business, including taking part in votes, she said in a statement on Monday.

“I have lost all contact with my caucus colleagues. I have been removed from caucus meetings, committee meetings, internal group chats and whip bulletins,” Senator Payman said.

“I have been exiled. These actions lead me to believe that some members are trying to intimidate me into resigning from the Senate.”

Senator Katy Gallagher said her colleagues tried to contact Senator Payman.

“You know these are decisions she made on her own,” the Minister for Women and Finance told ABC radio.

“She made decisions that only she could make for herself, and I know that many of her colleagues who worked with her are desperately trying to reach out and support her where they can,” she said.

Senator Gallagher rejected suggestions this meant there were limits to the diversity that Labor leaders say they pride themselves on.

“Our diversity is our strength, you know, historically, the Labour Party has always supported diversity. Our 2022 election to government delivered the most diverse caucus in history and we’re really proud of that.”

“I’m very proud to be part of this group that brings perspectives from across the country, from different cultures, from First Nations communities to newcomers, and that’s the real strength of our government.”