
Mother sentenced to life in prison for murder and abuse of three-year-old son

Mother sentenced to life in prison for murder and abuse of three-year-old son

A mother who beat her three-year-old son with a bamboo rod, claiming the Bible recommended using it weeks before the killing, has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum sentence of 25 years.

Christina Robinson, 30, abused her son Dwelaniyah for weeks and subjected him to unimaginable pain before killing him in the family home in Durham in November 2022.

Judge Garnham found that, as the victim’s mother, she had committed a serious breach of trust.

A trial at Newcastle Crown Court heard that Robinson deliberately immersed him in boiling water, causing severe burns and distress.

She did not seek medical attention because if a healthcare professional had seen her it would have been obvious he had concerns about her safety.

Robinson, a member of the Black Hebrew Israelite denomination, admitted to hitting the boy with a bamboo cane but claimed she was following a Bible passage that recommended using a rod to “punish” children.

The defendant, a mother-of-two from Tamworth, Staffordshire, was convicted of murder and four counts of child abuse at the family home in Bracken Court, Ushaw Moor, following a trial in March.

Robinson left the children home alone on several occasions while she carried on an affair while her husband was serving in the RAF.

Judge Garnham found that Robinson had immersed her son in extremely hot water, causing scalding to his lower limbs, including 20 per cent of his body, after Dwelaniyah had soiled himself.

Christina Robinson has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering her three-year-old son (Durham Police/PA)

The judge told her: “You must have known the water was extremely hot, it must have been obvious.”

Even though her son had to suffer in the following days, Robinson decided to inflict even more damage on him by beating him with a cane.

The judge said: “You were a follower of a religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites and listened to lectures and sermons given by its speakers on YouTube.

“You mistakenly, as you later admitted, took the teachings of this group as indicating that it was appropriate to punish your children by beating them with a bamboo reed.”

He added: “All of these beatings were punishment for behaviour that was objectively trivial but which you considered deserved severe punishment.

“What must have gone through the mind of that little boy, beaten with a cane by his mother, despite those terrible burns, is beyond belief.”

All of the abuse occurred while the boy’s father was several hundred miles away at an RAF base near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.

The judge found that when she shook Dwelaniyah, causing fatal brain injuries, she did not intend to kill him.

He also rejected claims that her actions were motivated by sadism, saying there was no evidence that she enjoyed inflicting pain.

However, the judge said the ill-treatment Dwelaniyah suffered in the final weeks of her son’s life was “appalling in the extreme”.

Christina Robinson used a cane to discipline her son (Durham Police/PA)

This was reflected in messages she sent to her boyfriend, in which she wrote that Dwelaniyah deserved a “hard kicking in the ass”, that “he’s old enough to know what he’s doing so he’ll pay” and that “she’ll get what she deserves, no more, no less”.

Robinson represented herself and continues to deny killing her son, saying, “I pray for the day when justice is served.”

Ten of the twelve jurors attended the verdict, and one of them stared intently at the accused throughout the trial.

Inspector Simon Turner told the court: “Dwelaniyah was a vulnerable little boy who had his whole life ahead of him but his own mother – someone he should have been able to trust, someone who should have looked after him – was cruelly taken away from him.

“We may never know why or what motivated Christina Robinson to do what she did.

“Her actions are unforgivable and unfortunately nothing will bring Dwelaniyah back, but at least now she has to face the consequences of what she did.

“This has been a truly moving and emotional case for all involved, including my investigative team who have worked tirelessly to bring Robinson to justice.

“My thoughts remain with those who loved and cared for Dwelaniyah.”

Following the verdict, Helen Westerman, NSPCC campaigns manager, said: “Every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a safe and happy environment and we all have a responsibility to speak up if we suspect something is happening that could put a child at risk.

“If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, visit the NSPCC website for support. Remember, if you believe the safety of a child or young person is in immediate danger, call 999 immediately.”