
Mother charged with second-degree murder in fentanyl-related death of baby | Nevada Local

Mother charged with second-degree murder in fentanyl-related death of baby | Nevada Local

A woman has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with her baby’s death, which was ruled to be caused by fentanyl, according to an arrest report.

On June 6, 2023, Kiera McCall, 31, had a neighbor call 911 because her baby wasn’t breathing, according to a Metropolitan Police Department report. He was taken to Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in cardiac arrest, given Narcan, which treats an overdose, and put on a ventilator, but died on June 9, 2023.

McCall was arrested on Wednesday.

The Clark County Coroner’s Office ruled the cause of death as “fentanyl toxicity” and the incident was an accident.

McCall told neighbors that “the child could have gotten heroin under the bed,” police said. Her neighbors said she appeared to be high; although her child was not breathing, she did not appear to be in a hurry, her neighbors told police, according to the report.

In an interview with police, McCall said she was performing chest compressions. She said she used marijuana and had recently smoked methamphetamine and used heroin. The roommate also used heroin, she told police, but said there were no drugs in her apartment.

According to the report, police found a glass pipe and a syringe in her apartment.

Police said amphetamine, methamphetamine and fentanyl were detected in McCall’s bloodstream.

Clark County Detention Center records show McCall remains in custody. A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.

Contact Noble Brigham at [email protected]. Follow @BrighamNoble on X.