
Wertheim to serve as leadership transition officer

Wertheim to serve as leadership transition officer

William Wertheim, physician

State University of New York (SUNY) Chancellor John B. King Jr. has appointed executive vice president of Stony Brook Medicine Dr. William Wertheim will additionally serve as president of Stony Brook University and as a member of the board of directors of Stony Brook University Hospital, effective July 1.

In an announcement to the Stony Brook campus community on July 1, Vice President Judith B. Greiman said: The SUNY Board of Trustees is expected to name an interim president of Stony Brook in early August and that Wertheim is “perfectly suited to lead us during this short transition while maintaining a clear vision for the future of Stony Brook Medicine.”

The nationwide search for the university’s next president will be led by Stony Brook Council Chairman Kevin Law, in accordance with SUNY’s guidelines for the presidential search process. A call for nominations for the search committee will be sent to the campus.

In an email announcing Wertheim’s appointment, King expressed his appreciation for former President Maurie McInnis and the university’s achievements during her four-year tenure.Stony Brook is a world-class institution, and I look forward to shaping its future together as we begin the process of transitioning to a new permanent president,” said King.