
Prisoner filmed ‘having sex with prison guard’ has ‘pregnant girlfriend and is in prison…

Prisoner filmed ‘having sex with prison guard’ has ‘pregnant girlfriend and is in prison…

Jul 2, 2024, 12:19 PM | Updated: Jul 2, 2024, 12:40 PM

Linton Weirich is accused of participating in an erotic film with prison guard Linda de Sousa Abreu.

Photo: Instagram/Alamy

An inmate accused of having sex with a prison guard reportedly has a pregnant girlfriend and is serving time for a botched robbery.

Linton Weirich, 36, who was allegedly filmed having sex with prison guard Linda De Sousa Abreu, is serving a four-and-a-half-year sentence at HMP Wandsworth for stealing goods worth £65,000 from a house in Kensington.

West Londoner Weirich stole jewellery, handbags and a laptop among other items in March 2022, MailOnline reports. He was jailed at Kingston Crown Court on June 7.

De Sousa Abreu, 30, from Fulham, south-west London, was charged with misconduct in a public office after footage of him engaging in sexual activity was shared on social media.

Read more: Wandsworth prison officer accused of recording sex with prisoner appears in court – after arrest at Heathrow

Read more: Woman arrested after prison officer filmed having sex with inmate at Wandsworth Prison

Linton Weirich.

Photo: Social Media

She appeared in court on Monday charged with “intentionally and without just cause or excuse, behaving improperly in a manner that constituted an abuse of public trust in an official by having sexual intercourse with a prisoner in a prison cell.”

Weirich’s partner is also seven months pregnant. A source told the newspaper she was hospitalized for stress after the footage surfaced over the weekend.

“This is the last thing she needs in her condition. It’s incredibly depressing,” they said.

“This stupid video has affected her health, she was hospitalized over the weekend due to stress. She fears it will cause premature labor.”

Linton Weirich.

Photo: Social Media

The incident is believed to have happened at HMP Wandsworth prison between 26 and 28 June.

Footage shows a woman having sex in a category A prison in south-west London. The woman then has sex while her cellmate films the whole thing on his mobile phone.

A friend who smokes while recording says, “Guys, we made history, that’s what I’m telling you.”

Later in the video he adds: “That’s how we do it in Wandsworth.”

Drawing by Elizabeth Cook of Linda De Sousa Abreu appearing at Uxbridge District Court.

Photo: Alamy

De Sousa Abreu was arrested at Heathrow Airport, the court heard, and was supposed to catch a flight to Madrid by informing the prison of her travel plans.

De Sousa Abreu, a Portuguese passport holder, was released on bail.

She was arrested at Heathrow Airport, the court heard, and was expected to catch a flight to Madrid by informing the prison of her travel plans.

Linda De Sousa Abreu leaves Uxbridge District Court, where she has been charged with abuse of official authority.

Photo: Alamy

Appearing at Uxbridge District Court on Monday, she gave evidence only in which she confirmed her name, address and date of birth.

She will appear at Isleworth Crown Court on July 29.

A Prison Service spokesman said: “Staff corruption is not tolerated and the former prison officer alleged to feature in this footage has been reported to police.

“It would be inappropriate to comment further while they are investigating.”