
Would you let your 12-year-old take weight loss drugs?

Would you let your 12-year-old take weight loss drugs?

(WXYZ) — Would you let your 12-year-old take weight-loss medication?

It’s a pretty direct question, so we had to broach the subject with parents here in Michigan to find out what they thought about the possibility.

You’ve probably heard of the popular drug Ozempic, a weekly injection that helps lower blood sugar levels and is also used by some adults to help them lose weight.

What about giving weight loss drugs to children?

Mom Jilline Kasper took a break from the heat to talk to us about it.


Jilline Kasper, mother

“I wish I could just give a general answer, but I hope that when it comes to medical issues, there’s a good relationship with your doctor,” Kasper said. “It’s true that there’s no one size fits all answer, but I hope that if I find myself in that situation, I have a relationship with my doctor, that my doctor knows what’s most important to me and my kids, and if that’s the best option, I’m not against it, but it’s not my first choice.”

Dynice Santana’s mother also chatted with us during breaks between baths.


Pumpkins Santana, mom

“I understand that there are other underlying issues that they may want to address at the same time, but I think there’s a better way to do that than to decide to take drugs,” Santana said. “Especially since they’re young and you don’t necessarily know what the future negative effects might be on them.”

Mom-to-be Christina Kattula plans to stick to natural options if need be.


Christina Kattula, expectant mother

“I think it doesn’t prepare them for good habits and it’s just the easy way out,” Kattula said. “Maybe instead teach them healthy habits of walking and eating healthy so they can be prepared for life instead of taking something that could have long-term negative long-term effects.”

According to the CDC, about one in five children in the United States is obese. That may be why some doctors and parents are turning to weight-loss drugs for children.


Dr. Asha Shajahan, Family Medicine Physician

“There have been studies done in children over 12 years of age that have shown benefits and are relatively safe,” Dr. Shajahan said.

Dr. Shajahan suggests that if you are concerned about your child’s weight, consider the fact that there have been no long-term studies in children.

“It may not be harmful, but we have to weigh up the risks and benefits, so if your child is significantly obese, has tried all the dietary advice, psychological advice, family advice, has been on a few diets, has had multiple, has had multiple comorbidities, so now they have high blood pressure, they are unable to exercise because of joint pain – those are different circumstances,” Dr Shajahan said.

The most important thing is to listen to your doctor.

“Not everything you hear on the internet or on Tik Tok or Instagram is necessarily true,” Dr. Shajahan said.

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