
Trot singer set to appear on ‘Mister Trot 3’ faces allegations of verbal abuse and harassment

Trot singer set to appear on ‘Mister Trot 3’ faces allegations of verbal abuse and harassment

Around the trot singer who is set to perform at “Mr. Trot 3′ when the accusations appeared on the Internet.

On July 1st KST, a user’s post appeared in the online community B accused the singer, ANDdue to verbal violence, sexual harassment and threats against B.’s mother, Cwho is a high school teacher.

According to B, A allegedly told C: “You get paid for tuition, but you can’t even write a proper report on a student’s special classesand threatened that if he did not respond to his messages, he would report the matter to the principal and his parents.

B alleged that when C tried to reprimand A in the teacher’s office, A falsely accused C of using vulgar language towards him and threatened to report her to the education office, forcing C to write a letter of explanation. In addition, A allegedly threatened to report C to the education office and his supervisor when she deducted points from his performance evaluation because of poor classroom behavior.

B also stated that A made inappropriate sexual remarks to C, compared her to animals during the lesson and humiliated her with comments such as:What can you do with your salary?“And”Nowadays, kids don’t want to be underpaid teachers.”

The post attracted a lot of attention because it mentioned that A is set to appear in an upcoming Chosun TV program ‘Mister Trot 3’ and is preparing for a career as a trot singer. B expressed his outrage, saying: “It is unacceptable for someone who mentally abused another person to become a beloved celebrity.

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