
Bangkok Post – Foreigners arrested for long border crossings in Phuket

Bangkok Post – Foreigners arrested for long border crossings in Phuket

Three foreigners were arrested in Phuket on Wednesday for overstaying their visas. A fourth was also arrested by immigration officials for overstaying his visa. (Photo: Phuket immigration office)

PHUKET: Four foreigners were arrested during random visa checks on Wednesday morning for overstaying their permitted stays, ranging from 234 days to more than five years.

Immigration officers carried out passport checks in places where overstayers were likely to be staying, as part of “Operation X-ray”, aimed at catching visa violators.

Two Egyptians, one Pakistani and a Russian were arrested.

The four are: Mohamed, an Egyptian, who overstayed for 1,898 days; Zubair, a Pakistani, who overstayed for 1,734 days; Haitham, an Egyptian, who overstayed for 234 days; and a Russian named Dmitrii, who overstayed for 413 days.

Their full names have not been released.

They were all charged and handed over to local police for legal proceedings.

The owners of these places were fined for failing to register foreign nationals staying there within 24 hours of their arrival, under section 38 of the Immigration Act.

Immigration police pose with a foreigner arrested for overstaying his visa. (Photo: Phuket Immigration Office)