
Henry Shefflin steps down as Galway senior hurling manager

Galway GAA has confirmed that Henry Shefflin is stepping down as the club’s senior manager after three years in the job.

Galway GAA Chairman Paul Bellew said:

“On behalf of Galway GAA I would like to express my sincere thanks to Henry for the leadership, energy and commitment he has given to Galway hurling over the last three seasons. Henry has achieved the highest possible standards during his tenure and has left a lasting positive impact on our playing group and hurling in Galway.

His mentality and will to win remain unmatched and the group will benefit from it.

It has been a great pleasure to work with Henry over the last three years and this is reflected in the respect he holds for us from our players, supporters and all involved in Galway GAA.
We would also like to thank and acknowledge the enormous contribution of Richie O’Neill, Damien Joyce, Kevin Lally and Eamon O’Shea and the entire team for their efforts during Henry’s tenure.

The process of appointing the next senior Galway hurling manager will commence shortly and further information will be provided at that time.