
Prison for 44-year-old father who tried to gouge out policeman’s eye

A 44-year-old father who tried to gouge out a policeman’s eye has been sentenced to eight months in prison.

Paul Bonnar and his 24-year-old son Calum previously admitted assaulting officers during an outbreak of violence in Gott, near Tingwall, on Valentine’s Day last year.

The couple, from Kirn, Dunoon, appeared at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Wednesday) to be sentenced.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank said the late-night attack exposed how strained policing was on the islands, with only three officers on duty at the time.

“When an incident like this happens it means that the full resources of Shetland Police are needed to deal with the matter,” he said.

Sheriff Cruickshank said the police situation had nothing to do with the accused – “it’s just a statement of fact”.

He also expressed concern about comments made by Paul Bonnar in a report on social work in the justice system.

Sheriff Cruickshank said he “appeared to be in denial” of the most serious charge against him – attempting to gouge out a police officer’s eye.

The court previously heard evidence from two men who engaged in a violent fight with officers after being thrown out of the place they were staying while working in Shetland.

Paul Bonnar grabbed an officer’s glasses, smashed them and then tried to gouge out his eye. He then spat in the officer’s face, a court heard.

The violence was so intense that the officer felt compelled to use pepper spray on the attacker.

In court today Paul Bonnar told his defence agent Tommy Allan that although he did not remember trying to gouge out the policeman’s eye, he was prepared to take responsibility.

Mr Allan said the report presented to the court highlighted the difficulties Paul Bonnar had faced throughout his life, including childhood trauma and his use of various psychoactive substances.

Despite having previously been accepted to study journalism at university, Mr Alan admitted his client’s life did not go according to plan.

He said it had been “destroyed” by alcohol and “the trouble he got into.”

While he admitted the report was not “absolutely stunning”, he said it showed “some progress”.

The defense agent said Paul Bonnar regrets his actions and understands the officers involved were simply doing their job.

Addressing the younger man, Mr Allan said his situation was “completely different” and he had never been in trouble with the courts before.

Mr Allan said Calum Bonnar became involved in the case because he was concerned about his father and that he would not normally get involved in such behaviour.

The court had earlier heard evidence from Calum Bonnar who joined in after seeing his father struggling and kneed a police officer in the groin before being restrained and handcuffed.

Sheriff Cruickshank said what happened amounted to a “serious assault” on a police officer in the execution of his duty.

Addressing the elderly man, the sheriff said, given his previous convictions, “the only way to resolve this situation is a custodial sentence.”

He sentenced Paul Bonnar to eight months in prison, reduced from 10 because of the time he pleaded guilty.

Sheriff Cruickshank ordered Calum Bonnar to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and submit to a supervision order for 12 months.

Father and son embraced in the dock, and then the older man was led to the cell in handcuffs.