
Meath student (20) in serious condition after horrific car crash in USA

Meath student (20) in serious condition after horrific car crash in USA

Shane Campbell, 22, remains in serious condition at John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago after the taxi he was a passenger in crashed that put the Kells student in a medically induced coma and hospitalized.

The crash, which happened on June 5, saw the popular Meath man undergo at least ten operations to treat broken bones and internal injuries he suffered in the immediate aftermath of the collision.

In recent days, the health of the Drumbaragh GFC player has improved and the talented athlete has regained consciousness.

To help Shane recover, his friends and family have organised a large fundraiser to help cover medical costs.

Today’s News in 90 Seconds – July 2nd

In a post on online fundraising platform GoFundMe, friends have told how the young man from Meath’s dream of following in the footsteps of so many other like-minded students his age was snatched away in the blink of an eye.

“Shane Campbell is a 22-year-old student from Kells, Co. Meath who travelled to Chicago to work for the summer, like many Irish students,” the post reads. “Shane’s American dream turned into a nightmare when the taxi he was riding in was involved in a horrific car accident.

“Shane was initially placed in a medically induced coma and intubated.

“In addition to several major broken bones, Shane suffered a serious abdominal injury that has required ten surgeries to date and may require more in the future.

“Fortunately, he is feeling better, alert and cognitively capable, but he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. He will need several weeks of medical care at John H. Stroger Hospital in Cook County, followed by months of rehabilitation.”

Shane Campbell (left) with his mum Jean, dad David and twin brother Niall.

A young man from Meath has wisely taken out travel insurance which has so far helped him cover the costs of basic healthcare.

But given the serious state of his health and the injuries he sustained in the crash, friends of the likeable Kells man have appealed to the public to help raise funds to cover the costs of his long-term rehabilitation.

In just three days, the fundraiser has raised over 40,000 euros, and organizers hope the amount will continue to grow in the coming days.

“Shane is supported by his twin brother Niall, who also spent the summer in Chicago, and his mother Jean, who flew in from Ireland to be with him and will remain there for the next few months,” the post added.

Shane’s sister Grace and Father David remain in Kells for now.

“Shane is a beloved son, brother, teammate and teammate in our community.

“His family is known everywhere from Manhattan to Meath.

“But now they need your help. Shane has shown great courage in his progress so far and is determined to make a full recovery and return home.

We ask for your support for him and his family during this difficult time.”

Drumbaragh Emmets GFC PRO David McManus, who is no newcomer to fundraising – having helped raise more than €250,000 in the local community in recent years – said locals were hopeful their admired club colleague would make a full recovery in time.

“The early response to Shane’s fundraising has given us a lot of encouragement, which is exactly what we need right now.”

“There have been so many fatal accidents involving Irish people overseas in recent years. Thankfully, Shane is still with us and with the help of the people of Kells and the GAA community around the world, he will sooner or later get back on his feet.”

“Shane, like the entire Campbell family, has always been the first to donate or volunteer his time to worthy causes. It’s time to pay our club member back for that kindness.”

To support the Support4Shane fundraiser, click here.