
Northfacegawd and J-Tong Are Deadly Serious About Saving the “Green Planet” Through Hip-Hop – Asian Junkie

Northfacegawd and J-Tong Are Deadly Serious About Saving the “Green Planet” Through Hip-Hop – Asian Junkie

Stunned is probably the best description of my reaction to stumbling upon “Green Planet“by rappers Northern guy AND J-Tongas they and their crew of eco-gangsters wax poetic about saving the planet over a thumping trap beat with a surprisingly catchy chorus. Funnily enough, it’s less kitschy than many other attempts at trap in Korean hip-hop.

Anyway, I thought it was some kind of government initiative, but no, they’re just so serious about protecting the environment. J-Tong in particular has a “street authority” on the subject, since he literally works there and sells environmentally friendly stuff, so it all ended up being pretty cool.