
PWB Peeps Open Thread: Firefighters

PWB Peeps Open Thread: Firefighters

Our firefighters are heroes to us all. They help protect lives and property at great risk to themselves.

And they love furries!

and returning them to their owners

or just somewhere safe.

They have masks to give oxygen to animals that have inhaled smoke.

even very small ones.

and they also save the feathered ones

and even scaly animals

A gentle reminder of how we proceed:

  • Don’t troll the diary. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul.
  • Please share pictures of your fur babies! If you have health/behavioral issues with your pets, feel free to bring them to the community.
  • Pooties are cats; Woozles are dogs. Birds… are birds! Peeps are people.
  • Whatever happens on the external blog, STAYS on the external blog. If you have “problems” with another Kossak, leave it “outside”. This is a place to relax and have fun; treat it accordingly.
  • There are some photos we never publish: snakes, vermin, any images depicting or encouraging human cruelty towards animals. They are considered “not allowed” and will not be tolerated. If we do notify you, please remember that we have phobic individuals who react strongly to them. If you continue to post prohibited images… well, then… Tigress will have to take matters into her own hands. Or a paw.