
Moldova’s leader’s powers suspended to impose restrictions on Russian TV

FILE PHOTO: Moldovan President Igor Dodon arrives for a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia, October 10, 2017. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov/File photo

KIEV (Reuters) – A court on Friday temporarily suspended the powers of Moldovan President Igor Dodon, allowing parliament to override his veto and pass a law that would limit the ability of Russian television broadcasts to be considered foreign propaganda.

Former Soviet Moldova, a small country bordering the European Union and Ukraine, is politically divided between those who favor closer ties with Moscow and those who want closer ties with the EU and the United States.

The president belongs to the pro-Russian camp, while the parliament and the government of Prime Minister Paweł Filip are led by parties from the pro-Western camp.

The Constitutional Court temporarily suspended Dodon after he opposed a law passed last month aimed at combating foreign propaganda. Dodon says the legislation is an attempt to stoke “anti-Russian hysteria” and violates freedom of speech.

The court ruled that Dodon could veto the bill only once and must approve it if it were passed again; by refusing to do so, he had breached his duties. It ordered him suspended until the law was implemented.

It was the second time this week the court has taken similar action. He was also provisionally suspended on Tuesday for trying to block the appointment of ministers he accuses of incompetence and links to scandals.

“As I promised, I will not give in to the regime under any pretext. I will not support candidates in conflict and I will not sign laws that are against the interests of citizens,” Dodon wrote on Facebook.

“As for the current actions of the regime with the support of the Constitutional Court, they will not remain without consequences. After the parliamentary elections that will be held this year, we will have to change and fix many things.”

Dodon and the government have frequently clashed, especially during disputes between Moldova and Russia. Last month, Moldova recalled its ambassador from Moscow, accusing Russia of harassing and intimidating Moldovan politicians.

Lawmakers want to implement a law passed by parliament last month that aims to prevent the spread of what they describe as “fake news” on foreign channels.

The bill’s author, MP Serdjiu Sirbu, denies it is aimed at any country. The law bans TV channels from broadcasting news and analytical programmes from countries that have not signed the European Broadcasting Agreement, such as Russia. Broadcasters who break the law could be fined or have their licences withdrawn after repeated offences.

“As for the law on combating propaganda, it is a clear violation of the freedom of citizens of the Republic of Moldova to obtain information,” Dodon said.

Most Moldovans speak Romanian. There is, however, a large Russian-speaking minority, many of whom watch mostly Russian TV channels.

(Reporting: Matthias Williams; Editing: Peter Graff)