
The prosecutor controls the work and the degree of implementation of cases during the judicial leave at IBB

The prosecutor monitors the work and the level of implementation of cases during the court break in IBB

(Wed, 03 Jul 2024 21:47:29 +0300)

IBB July 3, 2024 (Saba) – On Wednesday, a meeting was held in Ibb province, chaired by the Prosecutor General, Judge Dr. Mohammed al-Dailami, where the degree of implementation of cases received during the judicial leave in the provincial prosecutors’ offices was discussed.

The meeting discussed the mechanism of work and the schedule of cases after the leave and ways to improve the coordination and monitoring of cases sent to courts to ensure speed. Make a decision.

The Prosecutor General stressed the importance of improving the work mechanisms and using technical aspects and human energy to bring cases to a conclusion, noting the interest and support of the Leader of the Revolution and the Chairman of the Supreme Political Council for the justice system to fulfill its role in achieving justice.

During the visit, the Attorney General was informed about the works completed in the Prosecutor’s Office complex, as well as about the renovation and expansion of some facilities and the renovation of the archives of West Ibb and the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office.

Judge al-Dailami listened to the citizens’ complaints and ordered the Chief Prosecutor and prosecutors to take all necessary measures in connection with these complaints, quickly conclude the cases, release prisoners in cases that do not require pretrial detention, and also called on the parties to reconcile the cases and end them amicably in a manner conducive to social peace.

resource: Saba